Dong Hyun Kim smashing watermelons for Woodley (vi

MoomBah - Will there be one where he punches a welfare check?
BAA-ZING! Phone Post 3.0


Even if he had racist intent, isn't it ok because he's part of the minority race in the states?? I mean racism is applied to asians all the time. This shit is hilarious. I wonder who's idea this was, probably the producers but super funny. Phone Post 3.0


Where is Phone Post 3.0

PoopDooper -
Card -
I just laughed out loud, literally.

Why do adds like these only run in the Asian markets?

I'd much rather see 20 seconds of T.J Dildoclaw fighting a spiraled ham, than the same cookie cutter, "insert event name here", commercials, with recycled audio. Phone Post 3.0
Because Americans freak out over political incorrectness. Bunch of pussys here Phone Post 3.0

Pretty fucking awesome if you ask me. Waste of a good watermelon tho, those things are like 20 dollars in Korea.

Interesting fact, Koreans LOVE fried chicken. There are chicken and beer restaurants scattered all over Seoul. Best fried chicken I've ever eaten was in Korea.

stevekt - 

Other random items Kim can smash for UFC ads:


stevekt -

Other random items Kim can smash for UFC ads:

Fuck you for this post but I must admit it is pretty funny Phone Post 3.0

Zed Wayne Zed - IT is hard to not raise an eyebrow when they picked two things that irk black Americans when they are associated with it.

Not to mention his opponent is a black guy.

Not a smart choice.

This is why you need editors and smart people in charge to submarine stupid shit like this.
Koreans love fried chicken and watermelons more than bracks Phone Post 3.0

MoomBah - Will there be one where he punches a welfare check?
That's raciest! Phone Post 3.0

Weidmans Pet Dragon -
Zed Wayne Zed - IT is hard to not raise an eyebrow when they picked two things that irk black Americans when they are associated with it.

Not to mention his opponent is a black guy.

Not a smart choice.

This is why you need editors and smart people in charge to submarine stupid shit like this.
Koreans love fried chicken and watermelons more than bracks Phone Post 3.0
Yes. That is true. Although they don't eat the two together. They usually eat them in separate occasions but they do
Love chicken and watermelon as much as blacks or more Phone Post 3.0

Let's see how many of the clowns who are pretending to be offended by Jones' "homophobic" Instagram comments and the fact that he called Cormier a "pussy" in other threads come in here and vociferously support this ad while denouncing "political correctness."

It's raw chicken.... And they also did a whack a mole video.

Yum Yum Kim, cocksuckas!

Good thing Lombard fell out. Smashing coffee beans is anticlimactic.

Videos are gone.

aww damn i missed it. "to beat the black man, you have to be the black man"

I heard Woodley is working on his counter videos, where he punches through a plate of kimchi and kicks over a bowl of sizzling bibimbap. Phone Post 3.0