double neck tie...

what are your favourite ways of getting the double neck tie?

what are some techniques from this position?

how do you counter someone else's double neck tie?

what are your favourite ways of getting the double neck tie?

Grab opponents guard, throw knee, grab neck, throw more knees Jab-Cross-Hook, but throw hook in a looping manner to catch around back of opponents head and pull them into knee

what are some techniques from this position?

Um, straight knees, curve knees, skipping side knees, spike elbows, horizontal elbows, chopping elbows, axe elbows....

how do you counter someone else's double neck tie?


I like to blast them with straight shots to get them to cover and then stuff their hands and clinch.

thanks for the replies,

how about the over/under grip, which seems to be the most common place i end up in...

what are some techniques from this position?

ttt for repost

I truely believe you can learn more by watching training camp footage than you can from instructional tapes or internet descriptions.

I agree...... if you already know your basics. You gotta know the basic moves first. After you understand your basic technique, watching training footage and fights is your best ally.

The only reason I still watch instructional tapes is to get ideas for new drills, or new perspectives on the drills I already know.