Dougie is God

It's an old thread, but there was a large Scientology debate over on the OG. Here's the URL:

Canada forum's own Dougie is God for one reason.....

To prove a point about how wacky the claims of "proof" by Scientologists regarding the veracity of their beliefs, he pulled out a picture of.....

Beaker and Bunson!! LO'FKN'L!! If you don't find this funny in and of itself, go read the context and, surely, you shall shitteth thine lips in laughter as I did.

That is all.

ScottMorrisRULES, first official convert to DougieTology (Much better than Xenu!)

I don't believe in God.

But I do believe in Dougie :)

I may even hit the Church of Dougie this weekend!

every1 belives in Dougie, GOD on the other thats another question

I am sure that at some point in the future that Xenu and I will have our final battle.

In fact, that is the only reason I train. To prepare myself to whoop ass on Xenu.

ttta because I like the title of this thread.


TTT cuz Dougie is one cool dude

"I am sure that at some point in the future that Xenu and I will have our final battle.

In fact, that is the only reason I train. To prepare myself to whoop ass on Xenu."

Dougie by Thetan armbar, Rd 1, Incident 2

ttt because god now carries a knife.

God carries more than one...

I once saw dougie box tony danza in a janitors closet, who's the boss has been syndicated ever since.

The truth is I hit Danza when he wasn't looking.




Dougie is the Messiah!!!!!

Does this mean you're all going to put me up on a cross to die?

Screw you guys...I'm going home.

Dougie why have thou forsaken me!!!!!!!!!!

Do you really have to ask?