DSE explains Silva vs Liddell deal

Pride explains the Wanderlei Silva/Chuck Liddell deal

Dana White and the UFC refuse to talk to Sherdog.com and the other MMA media, so Sherdog.com editor Josh Gross did the logical thing. Gross asked Pride officials to explain the thinking behind their deal to have Wanderlei Silva fight Chuck Liddell in the UFC. Not surprisingly, Pride thinks it is getting the better end of the deal:
Though many on the outside saw Fuji TV's severed relationship with PRIDE as the death knell for the promotion, those on the inside believed that a unique opportunity had presented itself.

No longer hamstrung by television executives that often had as much say in matchmaking as PRIDE officials, DSE was free to do what it wished.

Believing the UFC holds an estimated 70 to 80 percent of the American market share, said the same PRIDE official, the promoter had two options if it wanted to flourish while establishing itself in the U.S.: Strike a deal with the No. 1 company or partner with its competitors.

With new kids on the block -- Strikeforce, the World Fighting Alliance (which signed Jackson away from PRIDE) and the International Fight League (which continues to be embroiled in lawsuits with the UFC) -- and established events -- King of the Cage, et al -- grappling for the remaining market share, PRIDE moved for the latter.

That meant a serious discussion was underway to send one of the best fighters in the organization's history to battle someone of equal standing on the other side of the world. Just a month ago, a deal was struck.

It's basic Marketing 101 stuff, said the PRIDE executive.

. . .

Relative to what it could gain -- an increased market share from 18 to somewhere near 25 percent, DSE said -- PRIDE appears to be risking very little.

Silva remains under exclusive PRIDE contract, meaning he fights where and when DSE officials tell him. The UFC will pay his purse in November. And a loss would not officially remove him from the belt.

The UFC, it seems, is the one gambling in this scenario.

It was widely reported that the UFC again topped the Yahoo! Buzz charts after Saturday's UFC 61 Pay-Per-View, yet few mentioned that because of his presence on the broadcast the number of searches on Wanderlei Silva increased an astronomical 444 percent -- head and shoulders the biggest gain of any search on Yahoo! related to the UFC.

For an organization that has struggled to market itself to the American audience, last weekend, from an awareness standpoint, may well have been worth the decision on its own.

Over the past six days Silva has received far more attention in the U.S. than he ever had before, and PRIDE is the company that will reap the early returns with its Open-Weight Grand Prix Pay-Per-View on September 10.
A few days ago I wondered "whether the UFC has financed its biggest competitor's foray into the UFC's dominant market (the U.S.) or if the UFC just bought control of a collapsing Pride and its roster." Well, the way Pride tells the story, it looks like it was the former.

Until White decides to talk to someone in the media to explain the UFC's thinking, the convetional wisdom will probably be that Pride strategically out-maneuvered UFC management.

The good new is that, regardless which promotion struck the better deal, the fans get to see a fight many thought would never happen.

I don't understand this...

"had two options if it wanted to flourish while establishing itself in the U.S.: Strike a deal with the No. 1 company or partner with its competitors."

"grappling for the remaining market share, PRIDE moved for the latter."

Sending Vanderlai to UFC would mean they struck a deal with the #1 company, which would be choosing "the former" and not "the latter"...



What bullshit, they just made this shit up, although they are probably correct.

LOL @ these anonymous "Pride Officials".

I'm equally confused Orion, and Redneck, I'm also suspicious of the anonymous "Pride Officials."

Basic Journalism 101 stuff, IMO

good little read.... but I wanna know where it came from.

this is absolutely true, pride is gambling with something they do not have (a well established american market) while ufc is gambling that their champion can beat pride's champion, either way pride gets exposure, if silva wins they get amazing exposure, if he loses americans are still going to wonder where the hell this guy came from. the commentating will also ensure pride's exposure as rogan and goldy note how rampage who was beat by silva also beat liddell. in any case pride gets to expose itself to the american market who as it seemed by the reaction silva recieved does not know much about pride.

"I don't understand this...
"had two options if it wanted to flourish while establishing itself in the U.S.: Strike a deal with the No. 1 company or partner with its competitors."

"grappling for the remaining market share, PRIDE moved for the latter."

Sending Vanderlai to UFC would mean they struck a deal with the #1 company, which would be choosing "the former" and not "the latter"...


It's not confusing. The guy obviously meant that Pride chose the former. Or maybe he just doesnt know what "former" and "latter" mean.

Btw, when Liddell destroys Silva, those Pride officials will realize just how screwed they really are.

Dana, just like Thonolansghost, is a simpleton. He sincerely believes that Chuck will beat Silva, and that'll show everyone that the UFC has the best fighters. It's not even about that.

"It's not confusing. The guy obviously meant that Pride chose the former. Or maybe he just doesnt know what "former" and "latter" mean."

Oh... well I guess that explains it then..... I can buy that.


well thats all the info needed to proclaim pride the winners, and ufc idiots.... gross is losing it.

liddel only fights silva if he beats sobral , correct? if sobral wins does he fight silva. i've watched silva fight many times and he is a tough s.o.b.

" Btw, when Liddell destroys Silva, those Pride officials will realize just how screwed they really are."

Chuck took four rounds to "destroy" 185lb Jeremy Horn, but he's going to "destroy" Wanderlei Silva?

Anyway, even if it happens, Pride will already have gotten what they wanted. The OWGP PPV happens before Chuck/Silva. If this gets them a bigger US audience for that show, mission accomplished. People will see an event with massively better production values, no mind-numbing downtime and embarassing "celebrity" interviews, no endless ads for garbage (Blade, Jet Li), and high quality fighters that aren't all dyed-hair, tribal tattooed clones of one another.

Since UFC is paying Silva's purse for those fights, Pride loses nothing. At absolute worst, their champion might have diminished value to some fans (which problem they could correct if/when Shogun or Rogerio wins the title).

Even with a Wanderlei loss Pride wins bigtime... Chuck will have beaten longtime Pride Champ Wanderlei but arguably the best LHW in Pride is Shogun, so that still leaves Pride with plenty of leverage and reason to cuase doubt to "who the best is..."

Brilliant and small risk for Pride with HUGE potential benefits while the UFC is taking a HUGE risk... if Chuck loses the UFC becomes the SECOND best show in the US, BEHIND Pride FC as it bursts onto the scene holding it's first US shows at the end of this year or early next year. Pride will have pigy backed on all of the UFC's exposure and marketing over the last few years all by putting together this one fight. Great move by DSE execs.