DUMB QUESTION re: basic butterfly sweep?

This sweep relies on the momentum of you falling to your side, correct?

In other words, there is no such thing as a "slow" butterfly sweep -- you can't softly fall to your side and expect to get the sweep -- you have to commit to launching yourself in order to sweep your opponent.


I'd have to say false. All my butterfly sweeps are slow. You just need good armcontrol to prevent the post or a good follow up if he does.

And techincally, you dont fall to your side, you fall to your 7 o clock or 5 oclock.

 False.  It can be done slowly, but you need to load the guy onto you (i.e., get under him) much more.  Using your momentum is easier and more efficient, IMO but it's not the only way to do it.

andre is very good at this sweep, and made me his bee-atch with it the one time we trained.

the momentum of the fall does some of it, but the bottom foot pushing on the floor is what makes the sweep happen IMO. so you can def do it slow.

you just need to get control of his weight. if you can do that slowly, it will work. i am usually only able to do it slowly vs opponents i have quite an edge on.

False, but I would still commit and do it fast :)

Crank his posture! By that I mean, you should attempt to make both your shoulders move towards the mat, by pulling on his arm/wrist and lifting with your underhook/overhook. If you succeed with that, it should be fairly easy to lift with your hook and sweep him because he's kind of dead meat at that point - it will be very hard for him to stop the sweep.

I like to combine this sweep with a) standing to base and knee picking and b) underhooking his leg if he posts with it and throw him in the other direction to set up the basic x guard sweep.

It can be done with or without momentum.

Without momentum, you are sort of driving yourself underneath the guy, rather than throwing him over. If you've seen ever Robson Moura's set, the way he does it doesn't require much momentum ... just body positioning and good gripping.

There is much that is false on this thread. In fact, even some of the falseness itself is false.

"andre is very good at this sweep, and made me his bee-atch with it the one time we trained. "

Dont believe Steve.

As for the sweep, I never do it quickly. I also never fall back to 7 or 5 o'clock. Instead, I break their posture sharply at 3 or 9 o'clock, by driving my shoulder to the mat while keeping their upper body connected to mine. You should break their posture almost like a judo player will break his opponent's posture on the feet. Once you do so, they are very easy to sweep, even if they are heavy or know how to use their hips.

Andreh, it depends on if you're talking about YOUR clock or your opponent's clock :)

If you face him straight on, you will fall at 3 or 9, but if you've scooted your hips out (you know, the standard procedure of putting your hand on the mat behind you to get an angle), then you will probably fall at 7 or 5 o'clock, relative to your opponent - but it will be 3 or 9 relative to you. You always fall straight to your shoulder, that's the main priciple that I've learned, at least.