Dun Dadda 5000

Kimbo going to knock the breaks off of 5k this weekend !! It's Dun Dadda ?

30 day sn bet who wants a slice of this ? Phone Post 3.0

Dada gon shock the world bro! Wait he can use that sledgehammer right? Phone Post 3.0

Are they seriously billing this as a "king of the streets" title fight? Phone Post 3.0

DarkPlace Daz - Are they seriously billing this as a "king of the streets" title fight? Phone Post 3.0
y u finna go aktin all brand new n shit Phone Post 3.0

DarkPlace Daz - Are they seriously billing this as a "king of the streets" title fight? Phone Post 3.0

Nope. It just says that.

Gerkin - Dada gon shock the world bro! Wait he can use that sledgehammer right? Phone Post 3.0
Sn bet ? Phone Post 3.0

DaDa has his black belt in blunt-force-trauma, so he is basically a neurologist?

Neurologists in Miami gotta be makin' bank. Phone Post 3.0


Yea hes gonna get wrecked Phone Post 3.0

Straight to YouTube. Phone Post 3.0