Duneland VT results?

Anyone know results

Dan Hornbuckle,Burch and Kolosci won.

Can someone recount the Kolosci fight against Klienbeck? Thanks would like to know all results if anyone knows

John Kolosci won by a unianimous decision...Kolosci came out in the first round with two takedowns and I thought he had the better of the exchanges as he cut him in the first. The second round was close as Klienback landed some good combos that made one of Kolosci's eyes swell up but John also landed some good punches and got a takedown or two in the round. The third round didn't have much action as Klienback came out and landed some nice leg kicks but the fight ended up by the ropes as the fighters were in the clinch as Kolosci was looking for a takedown. It was a close fight prolly could have went either way.

Mark Burch won by a unianimous decision...Burch dominated the fight but it was a pretty boring match as he seemed to gas early in the fight.

Jason Tabor won in a third round stoppage...it was maybe the fight of the night as his opponent was very tough and took alot of punishment but Tabor was able to take him out late in round three.

Carl Wisnieski won by TKO in round one...they both came out swinging Carl rocked him with a punch then he finished it with another flurry that put his opponent on the floor... maybe it was stopped alittle early but it wasn't that bad of a stoppage.

Tony Wisnieski won by submission in round one...they were trading on the feet his opponent seemed to slip and Tony was able to secure a choke for the win.

David Love won by a majority decision...in the last two rounds of the fight he was able to stuff English's takedowns and hit with some good combos. I thought it was good decision.

Dan Caesar won by a TKO in round two...this was an exciting fight also as the first round was good as both fighters were really going at it then the second round started and Caesar hit him with a jab that stunned him and Dan kept landing shots but his opponent wouldn't go down but finally he did and the ref stopped it.

Mike Higgins won by a unianimous decision over Bryan Fielder.

Good win for Kolosci ... he's definately a future UFC pick up, as he's been coming along quite nicely in the past couple of years.

Myself, I'd like to see Kolosci vs Justin Levens [that is if Levens can handle Santiago ... to which, I think that he can, and will]

Thanks for the results

thanks, sounds like it was another good show.

good show, not sure about Kolosci getting the dec though

The highlight of the night was, by far, the superior efficiency of P-Rob's officiating!

Kolosci got 1 takedown in round 1. In the 2nd round he got NO takedowns, he attempted one and the fighters went out of the ropes and the ref started them in the center with Kleinbeck in bottom of side control. This report is after watching the tape 2x ; )