I have a gi that is in great shape but has a rust stain that wont come out.
Has anybody ever tried this using the RIT dye? Does it last or fade quickly to grey?
I figured black is the easiest consistent shade to obtain and matching pants will be easy
dye it pink to match your vagina
jk you might want to dye it twice black and then treat it with vinegar so it doesnt fade.
use the washers at the laundromat so ya dont mess up your washer and end up with half your cloths black
I just used rit dye to dye an older white gi. I used 3 packs of dye because I wanted a dark black however i used a 5 gallon pail and there was not enough room for the water to circulate well. THe GI turned out a dark gray that is really cool. It has not faded in 15 washes so far without using vinegar.
spray paint?
The rit wont fade. But be sure to use vinegar to set the color in as someone else pointed out