Eddie Bravo's Book

I know Eddie's name is always highly controversial around here but I recently purchased his book through Amazon for my long trip to Japan and quite honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect. I have known Eddie for a while and I respect his teaching/fighting style tremendously, but wasn't sure what kind of author he would be.

I was VERY pleasntly surprised with the material covered in the book and more importantly, I was impressed with Eddie's candidness throughout the book and the humility and honesty in which he talks about how he came up through the ranks and how he came to develop his techniques and game.

I've been in the game for nearly 10 years now and I can't tell you how many instructionals I've come across that either a) tell you how badass the author is and how such author is unbeatable, etc. or b) show you techniques that they make you believe is unstoppable and so on. What I liked about Eddie's book is he tells you the truth about what it takes to reach a high-level (many mental and physical challenges) and how he developed his game over time, and not with a magic potion.

In short, I HIGHLY recommend "Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed" to any level of grappler and I'm definitely glad I added it to my collection!

Andy Wang

eddie is the man!

I have to agree! I got this book from a good friend as a present and from the minute I got home and started reading it I was hooked...I had already seen the Twister video and seen some of the techniques in action but the book has so much good information I have already started to use some if the stuff and my game is already improving. Eddie Bravos spin on no gi jiujitsu is truly revolutional. I have to thank Eddie for his commitment to jiujitsu and for shareing those techniques....the videos that are on the market from other instructors is basicly the same stuff over and over but this is a great breath of fresh air....

hey andy,

this is todd from hawaii. i 2 bought the book about 3 weeks ago when i was in vegas. i read the book on the flight home and found it really good. being impressed with the book i have already recommended it to some of my students.

in fact i just landed my first twister last night in class. ok, it was on one of my students who was taking his second class but it took me atleast 30 mins to get it. if eddie hadn't been honest in his book about how some of his moves may take years to master i would have just given up on it after a few attempts. knowing it was going to be difficult to set up i just kept trying and trying til i got it.

i'm just wondering if eddie plans on releasing a second book. cuz on the back rogan says it covers stand up, take downs and other things that aren't covered in the book.


I also agree. I hated 1/2 guard, but I have worked on the first few sweeps and have tried to play them off one another. Its definately improved my guard game. And for what they charged on Amazon, its crazy not to buy it. Great book.

I liked it, but they needed better pictures and better explanations from Eddie.

Quite a few times it'd say one thing in the description and Eddie'd be clearly doing something else in the picture.

Or my personal favorite, it'd tell you to reach out and grab something, but what you were grabbing and how wasn't pictured and was blocked by Joe or Laurence's body.

I dig the book, but some of it REALLY annoys me.

For the price, there is no better resource in the sport.

the book is awesome... especially for the price.
i agree with Kai, some of it is hard to tell exactly what is going on.

i wish that there was a dvd to accompany the techniques in the book... seeing them being done and having the book would help me tremendously.

Pretty good book for grappling technique.

Great book for the price! Lots of stuff that can be incorporated into your game right away. Some of the stuff I needed my instructor to fill in the details on the mat. There are tons of twister setups that could have been in the book but are missing. Oh well more for me.

Alphadogg: The text on the back of the book was "typical martial arts"
filler text. The publisher didn't switch it out with the new text before
going to print :(

And a book on Eddie's stances, kicks, punches and takedowns...would
be a very, very expensive book!!!

the book is $9.03 at walmart.com

not sure what they charge for shipping.

Agreed, this is a great Jiu Jitsu book with straight forward content and a very resonable price.

waits for DVD

Oh hell yeah... this is one of the best books that I've ever read.. and for $11... it's the best deal out there.


Can't beat the price though, I keep forgetting that it's only $11.

agree 100% with andy's assessment...
only thing i hate about it is that since it's so affordable, and a lot of people down here already have it, that now i'm going to have to evolve again since people are going to know my half-guard game... :-)

I fell down on the train tracks and broke my ankle; it was this book that pulled me up just before the train came through. Without this book I would be dead.