Eddie Bravo's UFC "bar" idea

If you listen to the last EBR #66 he mentioned the idea of A UFC bar, I think it's a fantastic idea Phone Post 3.0

Mark Matheny has a mma bar going like that. Pretty cool idea I think, its called submission dance club. Has fighters in there regularly

The Arm Bar? Phone Post 3.0

stevekt - The Arm Bar? Phone Post 3.0
ZING Phone Post 3.0

One More Round

RickStorm -  Pretty cool idea I think, its called submission dance club. 

I bought you the drink, now it's time to go home bitch.

stevekt - The Arm Bar? Phone Post 3.0

That's the name of the Juice/Health Bar inside the main UFC gym in Rosemead, Ca.

CompanyBlue -
stevekt - The Arm Bar? Phone Post 3.0

That's the name of the Juice/Health Bar inside the main UFC gym in Rosemead, Ca.
Same for the gym out here Phone Post 3.0

Just Feed

Maybe in Vegas, in a random city it would sink Phone Post 3.0

be great if you like doing business once
a month

Donoghue88 - be great if you like doing business once
a month

all these watered down cards tho

Yeah maybe Frank and Randy could lend their ideas. Phone Post 3.0