Eddie learned Rubber Guard from...

for later....



"I of course did not know most of this stuff myself and I learned a lot filming the set"

wow - Master Fiorini Viele really????

i would have thought that since you were a BB in american and brasilian JJ since like the early 90's (when exactly did you put out the video's of you teaching BJJ? '95?? ), i would have thought there was nothing under the sun you didnt know - i mean - you were the head of a entire JJ federation, werent you?

you've been a "master" before he was even training


Has anyone just gone to Simco's school and rolled with him?

As for the Drysdale DVDs, I am always open to new information, and I really like alot of what the Alliance/Brasa guys do, but I'm a bit confused about the 99% submissions, more popular than Marcelo and Saulo comments.

Drysdale is a very big guy, yet he was running from Marcelo most of their fight. I would call the sub a very lucky break, albeit going to a very skilled fighter. I also think it is just plain unrealistic to teach a 99% submission-based style. Drysdale himself was saved by his defense (and size) against Marcelo, yet he just wants to teach attacks? Maybe some people want flash, but I am not that into entire series that don't cover escapes/defenses, passes, etc.


My feelings that Roberts will be my best selling sub-grappling set has nothing to do with who he has beat or not beat. I have never produced fighters based on their wins only. Usually, amazing skill goes hand and hand with big wins, but not always. I produced Robert because we started talking grappling, Jiu-Jitsu and MMA and we both clicked. He expressed to me that he wanted to create a very top level DVD set and he was very motivated to do what it took. In fact, Robert stayed at our studios in NY twice the time most others do. I believe that the project will reflect his commitment to making the best instructional series for no gi grappling. The bar can always be raised. This is what sets WMA part from other companies at times. Robert Drysdale looked at Marcelo's, Saulos, all of the Rubber guard stuff on the market and much more. Then he created a plan to make a better set to showcase his knowledge. Many guys think that they can make a better set because the feel that they are a better fighter. I don't deal with these knuckle heads. I need to see it technically. Robert provided answers based on techniques as to why many things shown today can be improved on. Did he do it? We will have to wait and see.