
I know this has been asked a ton of times, but i am moving to edmonton in the fall for school and want to know to where to train BJJ? If anyone can help that will be great.

www.combat4u.com, http://www.bjjedmonton.com/, www.mikemiles.com, http://www.arashido.com/frontpag.htm. I hear some good things about arashido. Also you may want to check out Edmonton garrison base. I think they teach BJJ at the military base just on the outskirts.

You should train with Kyle Cradinal and the boys from Lets Roll/Edmonton BJJ. Kyle is a Brown belt under me and a very dedicated instructor alongside Calvin Hess (Purple Belt) and Sean(Purple Belt) They teach at Millenium Place in Sherwood park. You can contact Kyle @ 780-406-2106 or email kckyote@hotmail.com. Hope that helped.

Rodrigo Munduruca

Roddy are u back yet? and it's cardinal, cradinal?

Kyle is great for BJJ if you don't mind the drive to Sherwood park. Otherwise call mike and Check out Arashi-do they do MMA,BJJ, muay, grappling submission, with classes daily

If Sherwood Park is to far Edmonton Bjj (bjjedmonton) is affiliated with Rodrigo and you will see Kyle(brown) there once in a while Calvin(purple) one a week and Steve(purple) most every time. Being part of one of Rodrigo's two clubs in Edmonton will give you access to the black belt that is here the most often and the highest ranking belts in edmonton that I know of.

Calvin Hess

Hey Anthony! when are you moving to Edmonton?



I will be moving up there in the beginning of sept, for school. i want to get back into BJJ bad. I hope to start up right away again. I would like to go a couple of times before i move, b/c i am getting laser eye at the end of the month and will not be able to train for a while up there for a bit.