Eggplant-clad Dana: The time ISN'T now!

Dana just rolled into this giant press conference with an eggplant sweater and anounced that the UFC has NO ANOUNCEMENT! They didn't get it done in time! Wow this is enormously embarassing!

Seriously that is a massive embarrassment. What the fuck were they thinking. If that doesn't make them look like a second rate sport I don't know what does Phone Post 3.0

It has to be a signing of a fighter, All their stars are on the stage.

I could hear a giant collective groan from the media who had to go out for this shit pile to cover a non-story

Lol Phone Post 3.0

What a fucking joke. How in the hell can you announce a press conference before you even have your big announcement settled. Are they seriously this inept? WTF.

Photo of Dana from the press conference:


Are you kidding me!?

I mean about the eggplant sweater. These big announcements have been so underwhelming, so many times, I dont put any faith in them.

This is cringe-worthy. They made this press conference to try to turn the tide of declining interest only to completely humiliate themselves!

The UFC has officially jumped the shark! Someone please add Dana's face to this GIF?! Preferably donning an eggplant sweater? It'd be amazing. Lookoutawhale?!

Fuck this sport Phone Post 3.0

Lol fucken eggplant Phone Post 3.0

UFC announces, They have nothing to announce.


Appropriate that they brought Nick along Phone Post 3.0

I missed the beginning. Did he really say their big announcement didn't get done? Phone Post 3.0

I'm guessing it was supposed to be the uniform deal and it's not done yet. Whatever it is something went sideways that they didn't expect at the last minute. Phone Post 3.0

How are no media members pressing them about this lack of anouncement?! Incredible. Nobody has even addressed it. WTF?!


Willin - 

How are no media members pressing them about this lack of anouncement?! Incredible. Nobody has even addressed it. WTF?!

This, there should be at least some hints given, fuel the speculations at least

I_AM_THE_CAWKSUCKER - Can we at least get some pix of this sweater ? Phone Post 3.0
haha Phone Post 3.0