Eilers vs Arlovski official

"WTF?????? Severn is there for HOF why not give him the fight even?"

They want to honor the guy, not kill him, dude.

" I'm just glad it's not Mike Kyle"

At least Kyle won his last fight rather than being KTFO.

I do feel a bit cheated by this.. because Ricco would have made soooo much sense. Still, it'll be a huge KO, so the new PPV fans will get some entertainment value there i guess.

What the fuck?

Why not give the shot to Paul Buentello? He just knocked out Eilers!!

This fight is homo.

They may as well give the shot to Wes Sims.

What title shot? Frank Mir is the champ. Interem belt is garbage. Mir never lost it, he is injured and will defend it when ready, he's the champ.
Mir by sub when he is ready.

Eilers isnt a bad fighter just had a poor showing in last fight in ufc. Arvloski will prob win but Eilers I am sure is gonna come to fight.

Eilers will come to fight? I hope so! Seriously though, at the Pit Bull's level now, the odds will be something like +1000 for Eilers to win. It's a HUGE mismatch.

Weez is 1-0 in the UFC if they want some new blood

What about tenazig? (SP) or Jeff Monson?? they have both been making a name for themselves outside of the ufc.

Can someone please explain why Ricco couldn't "get a training camp together"?

Obviously, they should have called Kimbo.

or even Kimo

This match is not even close to confirmed.