End Of An Era

5/26/07-----Winners: Thomas, Alexander, Martin, Jackson

6/2/07-----Losers: Persey, Hill, Manhoef, Morton

End of the Golden, yet short, Age of real athletes.

people need to reassess what it means to be athletic in MMA. Jumping high or running fast means jack shit in our sport.

Persey's quite a leaper.

lol this thread made me laugh even at this early hour! 10!

So what you're saying, threadstarter, is that once again whites are reighing supreme over blacks in MMA? I'm just trying to decipher the message you're conveying. :)

Tha-Real, that's old news! False hope really... You had your week. I already got a 10 for this anyway.

Fights televised this week so far:




Is there no end to this embarrassing fucking rout?

Pyle/Witherspoon-----Why the fuck do they bother?

Good point. Did you see my email about the keychains, A-Pap?

California Rejects Pride Rules

On Monday, the Nevada State Athletic Commission rejected three key rules that would have paved the way to Pride entering the US market - the use of a ring, Pride's current round system, and the use of special equipment in MMA matches. DSE was unavailable for comment so it is unknown how long this will impact the Japanese promotion.

E-Yo, Is special equipment my beloved gi?

These organizations have performed the feat of going even lower than the lowest level of political patronage, sinking to the depths of stoogedom and flat out tools for special interests.

E-Yo, Is special equipment my beloved gi?

These organizations have performed the feat of going even lower than the lowest level of political patronage, sinking to the depths of stoogedom and flat out tools for special interests. "

Yes. Special equipment is stuff like the gi and aoki's rainbow pants. Funny how they want to bring Pride rules back after Pride folded. Ridiculous.

Pride #1 for life.

I'm sad about Pride, but proud.

Carter Williams---tag him and bag him. Get this fucking fat piece of shit out of my ring.

Rua/Villasenor---I'm going to have to start rooting for the underdogs, people with at least SOME nonCaucasian blood.

Josh Thompson---I'm worried that this is going to be the impetus for some kind of Aryan Youth movement.

Can't get too technical in this sort of exercise.

From: StretchPlum

Date: 06/22/07 11:00 PM
Member Since: 11/20/2005
5663 Total Posts Ignore User

Last edited:22-Jun-07 11:02 PM

Rua/Villasenor---I'm going to have to start rooting for the underdogs, people with at least SOME nonCaucasian blood.

I'm pretty white, but Ninja might actually be whiter.

I don't understand why people don't realize that many South Americans are of relatively pure European ancestry.

The plurality of people in Argentina, Brazil and I believe Colombia are caucasian.

But, manfromyard is right that the racists "count" differently. I'm a liberal regarding this blog though, so if I have to count Sokodjou as black at some point, or anyone who ever wore chinos, I will not hesitate.

