Entire Oct. 9 BKFC card suspended by ABC

Reading that article, it seems the ABC is a little all over the place. They need to get their shit together and suspend EVERYBODY who fights on an unsanctioned card or else STFU? And a 60 day suspension, dealt 39 days after a fight seems like grandstanding to me.


Essentially the penalty was they couldn’t fight for the next 3 weeks then. Draconian.

Fuck them and what they consider sanctioned or not.

Fuck off my BKFC their BKTV App is the best money I ever spent.


God, what an obfuscated mess this shit is after you read that article.

Fucking fair play to all of these kangaroos who managed to carve out a whole little economy all for themselves to profit from and do so precious little, save for a few of them.

BKFC is great stuff. I think it is $5 per month and you get at least a couple events per month IIRC.

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Yea their feeder league Toe the Line aswell as any events affiliated with Full Metal Dojo in Thailand like Knuckle Kingdom and the Gamebred FC Bare knuckle MMA it’s crazy.

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BKFC never puts on a bad event, rarely much downtime between fights on the card, it’s the best $8 (bought a subscription for a buddy, before the price increase) I spend a month


Shit it was like 65 bucks for the year or something crazy when I subscribed and it’s been a crazy time. Tops 75.00 I’m in Canada