Epitestosterone to testosterone ratio TME

DaddyO4 - 1. Do savvy athletes have a way of increasing their epi levels in conjunction with raising their test levels?

2. Is the problem many have w/ TRT is that they feel some of the guys are going above & beyond the therapeutic dose? Would those against TRT feel differently if those on it were regulated to assure they only took prescribed therapeutic dose?

3. Bodybuilders have told me that the therapeutic dose for TRT is a small fraction of the test they took along w/ a handful of other drugs during a cycle...How much over the ratio does the prescribed dose for TRT put one over the allowed levels?

Thanks to anyone who can answer these questions for me.

1. Yes, you could add epitestosterone to "fix" the ratio. The cream in the BALCO scandal was just that, testosterone and epitestosterone cream. But that requires high level connections most MMA fighters would not have. But i belive there is a test today for synthetic epitestosterone but im not 100% sure on that

2. It would be very hard to regulate. For example i suspect Vitor only got caught because he had recently injected testosterone, if he had injected a week or two weeks before, he would have most likely passed the test.

3. Thats a complicated question to answer. It depends on when you injected last and how long you have been on TRT, hell if you are asian, you can use bodybuilding dosages and still pass the test because you dont excrete as much testosterone in your urine

For later Phone Post 3.0

Thanks GSPshadyhandwraps. I would think if guys are on it they could be tested weekly or bi weekly to make sure they are not loading up....

Guys over 40 should be allowed to use TRT, in my opinion, but only if they could be monitored w/ some sort of testing to limit chance of overusing. I have spoken to guys about my age,46,who have been on TRT and their results vary from more energy & sex drive to returning to what they consider to be their normal level of strength prior to feeling "bad enough" to get blood work done. None of them report feeling like Superman or show results resembling "juiceheads".

I went on thyroid meds and just felt better along with getting strength & energy back to normal. As far as i know,they aren't banned.

DaddyO4 - Thanks GSPshadyhandwraps. I would think if guys are on it they could be tested weekly or bi weekly to make sure they are not loading up....

Guys over 40 should be allowed to use TRT, in my opinion, but only if they could be monitored w/ some sort of testing to limit chance of overusing. I have spoken to guys about my age,46,who have been on TRT and their results vary from more energy & sex drive to returning to what they consider to be their normal level of strength prior to feeling "bad enough" to get blood work done. None of them report feeling like Superman or show results resembling "juiceheads".

I went on thyroid meds and just felt better along with getting strength & energy back to normal. As far as i know,they aren't banned.

As I understand it, thyroid meds a different because hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are both pathological. People I've known who'd been hyperthyroid have had their thyroids removed and given thyroxine replacement therapy, which is also the treatment for primary hypothyroidism.

There doesn't seem to be any performance benefit from thyroid treatment in normal people, but that doesn't mean there aren't exponents.

I like the Science-based Medicine blog for these kind of topics.

See http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/is-thyroid-replacement-a-performance-enhancing-drug/ for a discussion of thyroid replacement for athletes. In many ways, it's the same argument for testosterone replacement therapy (except, of course, that hypothyroidism hasn't been linked to thyroxine abuse).

For that matter, there's some good write-ups on Low-T.
