Escudero: "These Last 13-14 Months Have Been Hell"

Article on Escudero as he talks about his return to the UFC n much more.

Really happy to see him back, cutting him was bs.


Would like to see volkman win a decision Phone Post

Thought the cut was a little odd to begin with

Lot of people pulling for Volkmann in this fight and its pretty even betting wise in Vegas

cowboys07 - Thought the cut was a little odd to begin with

Not really, he went 3-2 losing 2 of his last 3. In his last fight he missed weight bad then got completely out classed and finished. Phone Post

I see the point your making and all of that did happen but for what he had did in winning TUF and the start he got too was impressive. Think he should have gotten a little more flack but it happens and hes back