Esfiha Side Controle DVD

Good instruction, Good Price, Quality filming.

I ordered Jose Mario Esfihas Side Controle DVD's. I wanted to order his side controle DVD's because I have seen him fight live and it looked like he knew a thing or two from side controle ;)

The first DVD is a more basic one, but an important one. First Mario shows the importance of switching base, and then goes into how to break an opponents posture to let you attack. Then of course he shows the basic Kimura and Armlock etc....

The second DVD I liked even better. I've seen lots of guys use the their opponents skirt to controle and work with, but never had it broken down. Towards the end of the tape Esfiha shows some moves with the skirt that I really liked.

There were no real negatives about these DVDs. Island does a great job, again.

can the stuff be used for Gi and no Gi or Gi only?

some of the things he shows involves the gi skirt for control, but the principles and most of the techniques will work withoutt the gi as well.