ESPN "Colt is 5th or 6th rd pick"

Mel Kuyper just said that Colt Brennan's stock is way down. Said Brennan was a projected 2nd or 3rd rd pick, but has fallen to 5th or 6th.

Colt stands to lose millions by falling so far.


Mr K?

he should quit and fight mma imo

I think he's only a few cycles away from being a pretty decent NFL backup QB.

Wasn't he a projected 1st rounder if he came out last year (I hope I didn't just make that up)?  What would be the difference in payscale then?

Nothing New...What happens in College Football is that you need to strike while the iron is hot. Colt would have been a 1st/2nd round pick if he left at the end of his junior season. He broke NCAA records in TD passes, Completion Percentage, and QB Rating. He was never hurt in his first 2 years at UH, so scouts just saw great things...Then he comes back, hurts his ankle, gets concussions...Now his durability is in question. He was the most accurate QB at the combine and has picked up 22 lbs in the off-season...But when you already have the knock of coming out of the WAC, you can't create any doubt. He'll go in the 2nd day and if you ask me, he'll be better off because of it. He'll get to backup somewhere and work his way up, instead of being thrown in with the lions with a bounty on his head.

so maybe it was bad that he stayed if he was going to be a 1st or 2nd rd pick last year? whats the diffence in money between the 1st/2nd and 5th/6th rounds.

I think I would consider getting thrown directly into the fire for a good payday.  I mean I play basketball... it would be a dream to learn from players in the NBA, the best in the world. 

So if you're gonna make guaranteed bank, and don't have much potential to increase your opportunity in the future... why not?  I'm sure he had a great experience in Hawaii, and it may have been the "honorable" thing to do to stay a year... but seriously, millions of dollars is also a great experience. I mean its also honorable to provide for your future, and your families future.  I just thought he wasn't making the smart choice by coming back (even though I wanted him to).

But then again... he's the one going pro, and I'm sitting at my 9-5.  Shit.

good point rabello...

Tom Brady was a six round pick.

I think Colt's upside is he has a good head on his shoulders. someone like him, if given the opportunity can prove alot of people wrong. As far as size, he's not short, so bulking up is very possible.

He needs to prove himself like everyone else. Stick it out and try to sign a 2 to 3 year contract, make things happen and renegoiate for big dollars and a long term contract. Look at Big Ben. Now he is the $102 million dollar man.

ty detmer - 14 year NFL career

i would venture to guess he made his fair share of cha-ching through the years.

mr k...where do you come up w/your BS?! do you really believe the sh*t that comes out of your mouth? or is it your ass? either way it stinks to high hell.

When Mr. K says that Run 'N Shoot QB's usually don't pan out in the NFL, it's somewhat an incorrect statement.

If you go by that, then you can say that most I-Form Quarterbacks don't make it either....There are less Pass-Heavy QB's out there, so it easier to pin-point them...I can name a few that went on to have great careers...

Ben Roethlesberger (Miam-Ohio)
Ty Detmer (BYU)
Steve Young (BYU)
Jim McMahon (BYU)
Daunte Culpepper (UCF)
Warren Moon (Washington)

I can go on for a long time...It all comes down to where you go...Tom Brady would not be a Hall of Famer if he got drafted by The Cardinals...He was a backup quarterback at Michigan, and look at him now.

If you have ever watched Colt play and still honestly thinks that he is not a GREAT Quarterback, then you obviously you need to re-evaluate how you view the position.

Mr. K is just jealous of people who have what he doesn't, its a little thing called Talent

^^^agreeing about not having any talent at all????

mrk...where did you get so much football knowledge? let me!

i dont like the side arm release, and on a under sized qb i just think the ball could get batted down alot, i think he did amazingly well at uh, he also had 3 seasons to mesh with a great group of recivers, and got to sling the ball like crazy, i doubt the nfl is gonna let him have 3 seasons tomesh with the same guys and get that timeing with each guy down with trades free agents and all that shit, the nfl is a what have u done for me lately company,but what the fuck do i know i like the buffalo bills and play madden.

3 seasons to mesh?

He led the NCAA in Passing in his first season, throwing just a handful of interceptions on a teamthat went 5-7.

Guys, on the field he is legit. It's being able to handle the NFL lifestyle and responsibilities that I question. Never doubtr Colt as a player.

How could anyone doubt a guy June Jones called the greatest quarterback he has ever coached!!!!

And come on now, we all know Jones speaketh the TRUTH.

^^ Billy Hoyle!