Esther in Tokyo: Sengoku 7 and King Mo (pics)

I wouldn't call 'em hoes, they're dancers. :)

I'll be posting pics from the event tonight.



UFC pays for per diem for corner as well.

At least for me, and I'm low low low on the totem pole, so perhaps something has changed since you fought for them Logan.

 okay.  finally posted some of the photos up at but i'll bring a few here too in another post... yawn it's 4:15 am and I'm thinking maybe I prefer to live on Tokyo time, even now that I'm home in LA.

 Hey Esther! Great to see your photos again!


Tom Lawlor - UFC pays for per diem for corner as well.

At least for me, and I'm low low low on the totem pole, so perhaps something has changed since you fought for them Logan.

Nope, nothing changed, you just read my post improperly.

 Awesome new pics.

Hell yeah on the standing choke pic.

Tom Lawlor - UFC pays for per diem for corner as well.

At least for me, and I'm low low low on the totem pole, so perhaps something has changed since you fought for them Logan.

Ahhhhhh yes indeed I did. I took the "one guy" as meaning the fighter.

Regardless, it sounds like Sengoku hooks it up.

love the red girl...moar pls


 thanks guys and kaitlin.  i'll look for more of the girl in red though I wasn't there to cover the event as a whole so I didn't take a lot of shots of the ring girls.  I do however have a lot of the dancers.

I love in the standing choke how Akiyama is in the bottom corner of the picture, waiting...watching.

thanks for posting those too! i love those girls. they are fun, really nice, hilarious. kun kun the one to the right in both photos -- she had to get up early the next day and accompany mo to the press conference and hold the umbrella there. she looked so tired!

YouAreNex - US urges citizens to avoid Tokyo nightlife area

TOKYO – The U.S. Embassy in Japan has urged Americans to avoid going to bars in Tokyo's raucous nightlife district of Roppongi due to a surge in reports of drink-spiking incidents there.

The number of reports of Americans being drugged in Roppongi bars has increased significantly, the embassy said in a statement released Tuesday. Victims drink drug-mixed beverages and fall unconscious for several hours. They wake up only to realize their credit cards have been stolen, it said.

Roppongi, home to more than 330 bars and nightclubs, is hugely popular among foreigners.

"If you, nevertheless, choose to participate in Roppongi night life, we urge you to remain extra vigilant of your surroundings and maintain a high level of situational awareness," the statement said.

The embassy did not give the number of drink-spiking cases. But Masahito Fujita, a police official in Roppongi, said there have been no reports of drink-spiking cases since this year.

happened to me once in roppongi in '02. watch yourself there.

YouAreNex - US urges citizens to avoid Tokyo nightlife area

TOKYO – The U.S. Embassy in Japan has urged Americans to avoid going to bars in Tokyo's raucous nightlife district of Roppongi due to a surge in reports of drink-spiking incidents there.

The number of reports of Americans being drugged in Roppongi bars has increased significantly, the embassy said in a statement released Tuesday. Victims drink drug-mixed beverages and fall unconscious for several hours. They wake up only to realize their credit cards have been stolen, it said.

Roppongi, home to more than 330 bars and nightclubs, is hugely popular among foreigners.

"If you, nevertheless, choose to participate in Roppongi night life, we urge you to remain extra vigilant of your surroundings and maintain a high level of situational awareness," the statement said.

The embassy did not give the number of drink-spiking cases. But Masahito Fujita, a police official in Roppongi, said there have been no reports of drink-spiking cases since this year.

happened to me once in roppongi in '02. watch yourself there.
Thanks for the warning, I guess?  I don't party while there because I'm working when I go to Japan.  At most I'll have a beer in the company of many friends.  I'm not much of a Roppongi bar kind of person though. 

I like to just wander taking pictures and maybe have a late bowl of ramen with a vending machine milk tea.  :)

I do my best to blend in.


is it cold and miserable there now? i think i will visit next year.

 Awesome pics!


haha..that last pic is awesome