Evander Holyfield: Boxing's Fight for Relevance

Long article by Evander (or his ghostwriter)on what's wrong with boxing and some thoughts on how to fix it.


However, he had fights where he clinched and head butted to gain an advantage. I can't take anything Holyfield says serious. Even if he's right about something, he's still wrong to me Phone Post 3.0

Evander is 100% correct and at no point did he ever clinch and tie up an opponent to a point remotely comparable to that of Floyd or Wladimir Klitschko. Phone Post 3.0

Chappie - Evander is 100% correct and at no point did he ever clinch and tie up an opponent to a point remotely comparable to that of Floyd or Wladimir Klitschko. Phone Post 3.0
First fight with Tyson. And he snuck in the head butts. Hasim Rahman, clinching and head butting Phone Post 3.0

no doubt, different styles and different usages and intents. just i felt that he should be a little more understanding of the clinching. he used it to be more offensive and they use it defensively. 

sort of like guys from the 80's and 90's nba crying about flopping. the art of jumping into guys to draw fouls and to act like you had been shot with a rifle if you were touched while shootng was perfected by those guys.

i guess my point is, if you bent the rules yourself, then you're not on solid ground when someone else blatantly breaks them. he helped make clinching be viewed as a strategy and a tool. that allowed it to not be so much outraged when others used it and now it's morphed into an accepted fighting style.

after ruiz managed to hold a piece of the title just by holding and mugging, i'm surprised we don't have a whole generation of guys clutching and grabbing their ways to decisions