Evans responds to 'weak chin' claim

Evans responds to 'weak' chin claim

/go=news.detail&gid=398151 [mmafighting.com]


 Rashad got KTFO by a punch he didn't see coming, while Rampage and Thiago Silva hit hard as fuck.  His chin is fine, Jones be fishing for something that gets under Rashad's skin.    

 when did Ariel Helwani get so tall?

seriously, what the fuck does that ginger faggot do for a living?

superCalo - Rashad has a sad look in his eyes, should have done the interview in sunglasses
God is on jones' side, how would you feel ? Phone Post

CaptainKirk - Some silly questions from this big goof.
. Phone Post

Blue help, pls.


I hate when Bon Iver does interviews.

gratespeller - The guy doing the interview is very awkward. Where is Helwani at? Phone Post
Luke Thomas is def not one of my favorite interviewers....he speaks way too fast, doesn't get his points across very well, and is just not that great Phone Post

gratespeller - The guy doing the interview is very awkward. Where is Helwani at?

I'm pretty sure he said last week he wouldn't be in Atlanta. Some kind of family related issues?

Ballsy question asking about Rashads divorce.

Narcolepsy - Blue help, pls.


Atomac - I hate when Bon Iver does interviews.
??? Phone Post

cmons -
Atomac - I hate when Bon Iver does interviews.
??? Phone Post
He looks like Bon Iver. Damn bro. Phone Post

I think I'd be a little sad to know that the UFC is sponsering the man I'm supposed to be fighting for a title. It really comes across in a way that seems like the UFC has a favorite to win this fight. I think it's kind of messed up personally.

I'm sure the realization that the odds in this fight aren't really working in his favor have got him rockin' the emo-eyes. Hopefully it isn't a complete blowout.

I really don't think with Jon Jones saying that if Dana White said he had to fight Rashad that he would have to listen to his boss should have rubbed Rashad the way it did. He shouldn't have gotten so bent out of shape. You can see the look on Rashad's face right after Jones beat Shogun. This was before Jon said anything about fighting him. You could see he was pissed and already had it in his head that things were going to go sour.

Atomac - I hate when Bon Iver does interviews.

He wears his garment so it shows.

Now you know.

worst interviewer EVER

Christ, that guy is just awful.

This tool lacks the respect for these fighters, He needs to go. Phone Post

Can only agree with everyone else, that interviewer is horrible, never seen Rashad in such an awkward and just all around bad interview.

ghostface casey -
cmons -
Atomac - I hate when Bon Iver does interviews.
??? Phone Post
He looks like Bon Iver. Damn bro. Phone Post
And random fact. I have tickets to see Bon Iver in concert this weekend in Santa Barbara, CA.

Bringing the girlfriend and not the wife. Should be epic :) Phone Post