Even I Can't Explain It...

I am rooting for Rampage in this fight. I was rooting for Tito in the last fight.I hoped for Horn in the other fight, Babalu, Vernon White etc...

Then someone asked me why don't you like Chuck? My answer: NONE

I respect him that he is a fighter who says he's going to do something and then does it. He says he will won by KO and then does it.

I'ts not that I don't like Chuck, I just want him to lose. I don't even know why? I just do.

How messed up is that?

^^^ you know I feel the same way.....it's like I have so much respect for Chuck and how dominant he has been but I always want to see him lose.

i know how you feel, i bet $50 bucks on Chuck and $50 bucks on Rampage.i think i have a good shot at winning!!

'^^^ you know I feel the same way"

How can you point 3 posts up when you are only the second post on the thread?

I want him to lose to shake things up

Chuck vs ??? for a title shot doesnt interest me

Rampage vs ??? for a title shot does

"i know how you feel, i bet $50 bucks on Chuck and $50 bucks on Rampage.i think i have a good shot at winning!!"

Unless you got a scalp you have no shot at winning.

Glad I am not alone.

Like I said he's everything the casual fan wants. A KO artist who delivers EVERY TIME almost.

But it's to the point I am sick of watching because it's a given he will win...

The night he gets KO'd...not beaten, but KO'd will turn the Underground OVERground.

I was born and raised in Hawaiian Kempo, I respect Chuck... But I too want Rampage to win. And if Rampage wins, I hope to god it gets to his head or he plays the role of obnoxious even more... We need excitement! I respect humble champions, but we always need one or a few 'heels' to keep everyone interested...

I've always been a fan of chuck including for their first fight but now I want Rampage to win just for a change of fucking scenery.

Me too, I NEVER want Chuck to win, but really don't have anything against him (except maybe the 'Hawk)

^the head tattoos aren't helping any either...

"I'ts not that I don't like Chuck, I just want him to lose. I don't even know why? I just do."

i feel the same way nd i think it's partially because of he way he wins..he makes it look easy..always the same way too...one trick pony perhaps??? flame away

for some reason i can't accept that a striker can dominate mma 205ers..MIXED martial arts..wtf?? Say it ain't so..

"Then someone asked me why don't you like Chuck? My answer: NONE "

Should have said: "His 3 'accidental' Eye Pokes followed up by convenient KOs and his Refusal to admit he has used dirty Tactics."

Its not his fault, but all the clueless newbs who rant and rave about chuck being the toughest guy on earth really annoy the people who know chuck hasn't even faced the best in his division.

Sounds like you just like the underdog. I get that way about fighters I don't care about sometimes. No biggie.