Even Motown Is Not an Apex Fan

There are guys that not having a crowd effects positively and guys it effect negatively.

Like the guys that are gym killers but fade under the pressure of the bright lights will probably prefer the small crowd. While guys that rise to the occasion are probably not going to perform as well.

A guy like maybe vitor belfort would’ve probably done very well at the apex

Conor would probably suffer in front of a small crowd.

It’s a trade off for sure.

There’s not really a fall, he’s been consistently shitty and had the exact same problems his entire career.


People just can’t handle change.

The APEX gives the UFC a platform to distribute fights all over the world whenever they want 24/7, 365.

The APEX allows UFC to have millions of fans watch Bo Nickal fight on Fight Pass and youtube via Contender Series before he ever even steps foot in the main UFC in a big event.

10x as many people are watching the up and coming fighters at the APEX as watched the UFC title fights back in dark ages of the UFC. I can’t see how that is a bad thing.

Big promotions now put on 150+ events a year, of course not every event can feel like a big PRIDE Shockwave show but thats how it goes.