Even though he lost

Joslin earned himself a new fan tonite. I have heard things about him being a very talented guy, but he never stopped working throughout that entire fight.

his hands were crisp and his footwork/headmovement was great. I think a fight with him and Nick Diaz would be awesome. His butterfly guard movement was crazy. Props to him on a tought fight.

And I have to apologize for this, but every fight I see Koschek in....I fall asleep. Thank god Joslin made this fight entertaining with his work.

Come on, keep in mind that Joslin's guard was very very good and he
severly limited Kos' offense.

TTT though for Joslin, can't wait to see more of him

i was complementing Joslin?

"I think a fight with him and Nick Diaz would be awesome"

I'll second that notion!

He looked like a warrior and will be back.

The blanket in total blanket action: http://youtube.com/watch?v=N6NmJKFBdpI

4 of his last 6 wins have been by finish. do you finishes make you drousy?

joslin is good for the UFC


ttt for Joslin!

TTT for Joslin!

yer right, Joslin had a super impressive guard

Super Impressed with Joslin....Super disappointed in Kos...The Blanket is a perfect name for him..sigh.


Joslin and his dad are two of the nicest guys in the biz...

So happy they are finally getting the recognition they rightly deserve.

For some reason I like Koscheck (might be because he beat Leben on TUF). I think Josh has improved dramatically since he was on TUF leading up to last night.

I just think Joslin made him return to the old blanket Koscheck.

Joslin was better standing and was really good in the guard. Kos deserved the win based on his incredible wrestling but Joslin made it difficult for him and an ugly win.

I too would like to see Joslin back in the UFC with a better matchup style-wise.


bring Diaz back after the GFC thing, or set up Jeremy Jackson vs Joslin