EXC Results

still no audio, but the video looks good.

Javi vs. Nasal

fighters touch gloves.. Javi throws nice right hand.. throws leg kick that misses..

nasal takes Javi down.. landing shots from the top..

back to the feet.. javi landing some nice lefts.. nasal lands some good counters.. javi landing good lefts to the body and head.. nice knee by javi.. both guys looking tired..

End of RD 1..


Javi lands nice left to body.. Nasal throws headkick blocked.. Javi takes Nasal down trying to pass.. lands good shots.. looking to pass.. Javi is mounted landing shots.. Nasal gets to 1/2 guard.. Javi back to mount landing big shots.. huge elbow by Javi.. Nasal holding on for dear life.. more elbows by Javi.. 1 min left in the round.. more elbows.. and more elbows.. Javi refuses to give up the mount.. Nasal reverses!! 13 seconds left Nasal in Javi's guard.. time is up..

javi woopin ass in rd 2

rd 3

both fighters tired.. vasquez tenatively pressuring.. Javi shoots and presses against the cage. Takes him down but NAsal grabs cage.. Javi pulls slick move and has the back.. lets it go back to the feet..Nasal lands some good shots.. Javi shoots.. Nasal reverses but is grabbing the fence.. ref doesn't see it I guess.. Javi looks TIRED throwing arm punches.. both guys are too tired and its turned into a toughman fight.. nice punch by nasal.. nice knee by nasal.. takedown by nasal.. 15 seconds left.. nasal raining down shots.. TIME..

Split decision

29-28 Vasquez .. 29-27 Nasal.. 29-28 Vasquez