EXC Results

1st fight..

Bo Cantrell just got KTFO

barrage of punches against the cage.. nice KO..

Tim Percy by KO RD 1

that was a cool way to open the show. perm was losing the standup in the beginning...

ya was a great start for sure..

next up Ross the Boss Ebanez vs. Mike Pyle

It's working great for me.

this guy that parades around "hosting" pisses me off for some reason

Site is working GREAT for me. Very good quality. I'm surprised. I missed the first fight though.

Is Shamrock being interviewed right now?


Pro Elite dot com

First I couldn't get audio, so I restarted my computer. Now I can't even get on the stupid site! This is not going well.

When is Javier's fight? Did they show the fight order?

I think he fights last.

Pyle wins with nice rear naked over Ebanez

pyle vs. ross starting now..

jab by ross

a few kicks by pyle

ross throws kick pyle catches and takes him down.. pyle on top looking to pass.. pyle takes back looking for choke.. ross taps!!

double post..

Fixed the link, lol.

Edson Berto is next. Brother of Andre Berto, sick boxer, ya'll might have seen on HBO recently.

KJ Noons needs to practice his trash talking. hehe

wow the ring card girls dance in exc

I guess Berto fights later.

Javi is up next! This one is gonna be EXCITING