As an older fighter (35) I attribute the old man strength to joints and tendons being more conditioned. Also instead of using our muscles individually we will recruit the whole body to do something instead of just using a shoulder or bicep.
Definitely know some guys with old man strength.
It's not a quick or explosive strength, its more like the strength of a python. Incredible grip strength and muscle endurance.
So what year can you be deemed old man strong? 35+?
It probably has something to do with the older men get the more DHT there body procuces. The free testosterone in the blood produces more Dht than in your younger years. DhT is 10 times stronger than testosterone as an anabolic agent. It is also responsilbe for the onset of balding and body hair. So in essence the older you get your test levels go down and your Dht levels go up. The younger you are the higher your test levels and your dht levels are lower.
Arnold's comeback looks good ^^^
i think its just young whipper snappers thinkin that they will whip your butt cuz you are older than them. and then realizing they cant, they then think, "that guy is stronger than i thought"
i really have never believed in either farmboy strength or old-man strength...ive been around plenty of farmboys and most of them werent strong...when it comes to old man strength, i have met quite a few older men with crazy grip strength BUT they were brickmasons or carpenters so....whereas other oler men were very weak, more than likely due to their sedentary lifestyle/job....
me, a non-believer in the mythical farmboy and old-man strength...
I must make babies to harness this old man strength... TUF here I come!
or maybe with the aging process and they quit jerking off several times a day and channel the testosterone elsewhere....
;-) lm
"With technological advances, our lives get easier with every generation, creating an army of old, fat IT guys."
the world needs ditch diggers, too
I'm 30 and have been hitting the gym for a year and made huge improvements, but I think my 54 year old dad could still take me in arm wrestling or fighting, for that matter. Maybe not, I don't know. I have my first child on the way, I'll let you know...
LawdyMama is correct, but, sadly, so too is thelorax.
pretty much, it comes down to tendons being stronger than muscles, adn tendons get stronger over years, not months; douchebaqg ,uscleheads who want t5o see results after 8 months of training may not be as strong as a guy who trains half as hard for twice as long...
using what you have more efficiently has to be part of it...
Older guys tend to take their time and don't blow their load right away, in more ways than one. That coupled with years of work makes old guys strong. JKB
Same reason American strong men don't typically place as well as foreigners. People in a lot of other countries wake up, do their chores and work, then train. If anyone ever asks me the best summer workout, I tell them to work construction. I had a year off of college and made great strength gains from doing hard labor. That was just a year of it. Take that and add it up over many years. You have your answer.
a hard man is good to find....;-)
In men tissue gets stronger even into the early 40's so if we maintain a physical regimen through that we stay strong, though eventually our backs or connective tissue wears out through use, not because it actually gets weaker. For example, notice how a lot of competitive powerlifters peak in their late 30's. The reason you see a lot of athletes drop out in their late 20s is due to reaction speed and/or sudden injury usally associated with an impact sport, not due to lack of strength.
that's very true. I asked Skip a long time ago - "do you do what you do because of who you are or what you want to be?"
- so is it the chicken or the egg...
a little bit of always doing something. ma