Explination about Evan Tanner

I really miss this guy. Did any sort of explination come about after he was found dead? Why was he driving so far in the desert knowing that he would run out of gas. I mean, he wasn't a dumb man. What was a he thinking? What happened?

 Man....Is the UG your google browser or what??

Explination about Evan Tanner 

(1) [9] by Brian Davis

What's up with Phil Baroni 

(2) [16] by Brian Davis

^^ lol

^^^lol @ response

YES... IT IS! Now provide answers or lick my prostate.

Maybe Tanner was testing himself, knowing he would run out of gas and have to walk back.

Brian Davis - YES... IT IS! Now provide answers or lick my prostate.
Now you think the UG is the "Casual Encounters" section of Craigslist....sheesh...


ew fabes! that's gross

 Explanation imo...

Mike Russell - 
Brian Davis - YES... IT IS! Now provide answers or lick my prostate.
Now you think the UG is the "Casual Encounters" section of Craigslist....sheesh...

How would you know?

 Dean Blundell from Edge 102 in Toronto did a segment on the people who use Craigslist to hook up.

Crazy Zimmerman - Maybe Tanner was testing himself, knowing he would run out of gas and have to walk back.

i have always thought that's what happened. of course i have no proof to back it up though. i don't think he wanted to kill himself but i think he wanted to create a scenario where he would be pushed to the limit and then succeed

He didn't run out of gas. He was going to hike from his camp to a sping. He took enough water to make it there. It was mapped on the GPS on his phone but there was no water once he got to the spring. When they found him he had water purifing pills on him and anyone that knew Evan can tell you he would never take his own life. At times he had been as low as low can be....he had also expericened the highs of highs than most will never achieve.

Good explanation

 Thanks, GB.

I'd be interested to know how Evan came to believe the "spring" had water.  Was it marked on a guide of the area?

He had researched it and had maps downloaded from his computer to his Iphone.