
It looks like another good card at Terribles. Too bad they only do one a year.

What time does the show start? None of my teamates are answering their phones.

Iowatix.com says 8PM, danny A.





t t t

Cool thanks. See you there.

Quick results.

Justin Guthrie won with ground and pound.

Chris Perez Van Dam lost from an uppercut as he was getting up from guard.

Sean Wilson lost from a triangle.
Jesse Sanders lost from a rear naked choke.

Victor Moreano won with an armbar.

John Halverson won with a guillotine.

Chris Mickle won with an armbar.

There was one other fight and I don't remember how it ended.


P-Town looked good and was wining the fight. He just slipped up and got caught in a triangle. He was droping bombs and should have had a slick knee bar before that. P-Town is good, and showed it!

Bryce Teager looked good and showed it as we expected. I thought he would be trying to take Halverson down more than that though. He showed some pretty good stand up, but his wrestling is really good. I thought Bryce has good cardio, but it looked like he was gassing out early. That guy has TREE TRUNKS for legs. I can't believe how freaking big his legs are. Making 55 has to be a job in itself for him. Halverson showed a lot of skills in that fight. Props to both of them!

Victor Moreno had control of the fight, despite being on his back for half of it. The guy he was fighting held on in a deep triangle for quite a long time, in which Vic resorted to a arm bar. The guy then let Vic crank on his arm for quite some time, before he finally tapped. He was a pretty tough dude. That wasn't his first fight either. I don't know how many fights he has had, but he just fought Shonnie Carter a couple weeks before.

Not much to say about Chris Mickle. He's always putting on a good show. He dominated and looked as good as always. I can't wait for him to get his shot. I feel it coming soon!!!

full results?

damn i wanted that fight so bad too.. fuck.. ive never been so bummed about a loss before. hopefully monte will have me back sometime.. props to gabe.. good fight and good luck to you.. keep in touch man. swilson2626@yahoo.com -sean

What happened with Chuck?

chucks opponent couldnt make due to the airport shutting down cause of weather.. so he judged instead..

hey Ptown here is the email smlwinky@yahoo.com

Sounds like a good show, 2 bad I had 2 miss it!

See everyone at the VFC! Aroacho vs Teager should be a war!

sounds good bro.. lets get on a show together sometime.. take care.


judoanswersall... Thanks for changing your mind.