Fairtex news!

All of us at Fairtex Muay Thai & Fitness wish all of
you a very happy, prosperous and fit 2004!

We would like to invite you to the opening party for
our temporary facility. If you have not been in for a
visit, now is a perfect opportunity. It will be on
February 7th, 2004, between 12 noon and 4:00pm.
You will have the opportunity to meet the entire
Fairtex Fight Team as well as all of our local
trainers. Our fight team will have its first photo
shoot and public training session.

Our organization is please to welcome Armando
Ramos to the Fairtex Muay Thai & Fitness
Management Team as the Director of Athlete
Management. Armando, a recent University of San
Francisco graduate, and professional fighter will
be responsible for developing and managing our
stable of fighters.

Fairtex in the press! The February 2004 issue of
Men's Journal magazine on stands now. The
article features a story about an American traveling
to Thailand to train with our very own Ajarn Apidej
Sit-Hirun finishing his training with a fight.
Interested in the results? You will have to pick up a
copy and read the article which has some
spectacular photos included.

Feel free to bring your friends and family. We hope
you will join us for an afternoon of food, fun and
photos. If you have any questions please contact
us via phone at 415.777.5888 or email
lynda@fairtexmuaythai.com for further information.
