Fake Fighter ends up being Legit

I don't know how many times I have heard the words, I am a cage fighter. I used to fight in the UFC before I was injured or Iron Palm Kung Fu will make me a badass. Have you ever end up finding out the person you were talking to was actually legit?

I met someone in an online video game who said they were a cage fighter. At first I thought they were bullshitting me until we started talking about the Gracies. Come to find out it was Alexander Crispim. Have you ever had a similiar situation where you thought someone might be feeding you a line and end up being legit.

Zeerus - Have you ever had a similiar situation where you thought someone might be feeding you a line and end up being legit.
Someone once told me they were good in BJJ and in my head I was like, "Okay, whatever. I'll smash you." Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that they weren't kidding.

Thanks a lot, Mom!