Fake fighter on instagram lol

he has his shirt on in this one... still gold tho - he mixes in a little double jab before the spinning back fist

Keeping it flowy. Phone Post 3.0

Star Wars Kid posing as a MMA fighter>??

lmao! Phone Post 3.0

That's Texas for you Phone Post 3.0

Damn it..how do you embed from Instagram?

In Phone Post 3.0

I don't see anything about fighting on his insta. Even this video isn't there. Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0

FlowWithTheGo - That's Texas for you Phone Post 3.0
Fuck off... Phone Post 3.0

So just looking at random dude's instagrams? Phone Post 3.0

Flawless technique

FlowWithTheGo - That's Texas for you Phone Post 3.0
Da fuq?? Fuck you Phone Post 3.0

thick solid and tight, that spin was filled with delight

"...we're throwing spinning shit now?!"
Nick Diaz Phone Post 3.0

I don't see him claiming to be a pro fighter anywhere.

pud12 - I don't see him claiming to be a pro fighter anywhere.
I was looking at his pics, he has tags #mmafighter #4-0 after telling people to not miss his fight... or something like that. Phone Post 3.0

x24v - "...we're throwing spinning shit now?!"
Nick Diaz Phone Post 3.0
I think KenFlo said that Phone Post 3.0

Maybe he's an amateur his name is Jonathan something it's on there. Besides being a wanna be gangsta seems like a good dad and family man he's got his family in so many of pics Phone Post 3.0

lol master of the living room, and also a "hip hop artist" -- i must find his music...


October 25th I'm putting someone to sleep. #mmafighter #4-0

A video posted by Jonathan (Raw truth) Colpaert (@rawtruth86) on