Fan Swaggerjacks Connor's Tattoo

Phone Post 3.0

Jesus Phone Post 3.0

did conor get that custom, or is that like a logo of something?

either way.. swaggerjacking at its finest

What a fuckin idiot

Guys that's Josh Mario John, he had the tattoo before Connor Phone Post 3.0

Loser Phone Post 3.0

Positive Energy - Guys that's Josh Mario John, he had the tattoo before Connor Phone Post 3.0
Google images says not him. Phone Post 3.0

Positive Energy - Guys that's Josh Mario John, he had the tattoo before Connor Phone Post 3.0
Lol Phone Post 3.0

Positive Energy - Guys that's Josh Mario John, he had the tattoo before Connor Phone Post 3.0

But at least Conor knows how it feels now!

And still not as bad (yet) as the dude that copied Huerta's awful tribal tats and got a topless picture with him. Phone Post 3.0

I'm more shocked that there are two people in the world that would both want that shitty tattoo. Phone Post 3.0

Double Shine stealin'

Why Phone Post 3.0

frederic -
Positive Energy - Guys that's Josh Mario John, he had the tattoo before Connor Phone Post 3.0
Google images says not him. Phone Post 3.0
The ones on Google are probably modeling pics where he is airbrushed Phone Post 3.0

Beta for life. Phone Post 3.0

What's his UG name? Phone Post 3.0

This is not this guys first shitty decision. He has been making them all his life Phone Post 3.0

Mr Positivity - Wonder who he swagger-jacked the other two gay ones from? Phone Post 3.0
Big Nog and Paris Hilton, I believe. Phone Post 3.0

RickStorm -

did conor get that custom, or is that like a logo of something?

either way.. swaggerjacking at its finest

I thought it was an artistic take on the SBG gorilla? Phone Post 3.0

He should fight that other wannabe nerd who always shows up at the Q&A's wearing the V-neck with the beard and shades showing off the same embarrassing chest tattoo. Loser gets killed. Winner gets euthanized with dignity.

RickStorm -

did conor get that custom, or is that like a logo of something?

either way.. swaggerjacking at its finest

It's custom, was part his gym logo and part just making it up. Phone Post 3.0