
If you have a source for that I'd like to see it. I don't even think that's possible. People go to the hospital in intense pain for intestinal blockages a fraction of that size.

A blockage and a coating of crap are two very different things. Considering our intestines are over 30 ft long and a couple inches diameter and that feces have a pretty hefty size to weight ratio. A nice lining of crap that covers your intestines can add up pretty quick. Not only making you carry around excess weight but also constricting the diameter of your intestines leading to reduced digestive abilities and constipation.

Instead of just saying "there's no studies to prove what youre saying" why dont some of you guys show me some studies or evidence that shows that what im saying is crap (no pun intended)

The other problem with trying to show benefits of fasting with a medical study is the benefits of fasting are long term. It's not something that will show up right away. You're not gonna fast one day and then tomorrow wake up feeling like a new man

I'm stating an opinion that I think will be benefical for myself and if anyone else wanted to try it then go ahead. What have i said so far that is so far off base that there's no possible way it could be true? You also make the claim that im full of shit (again no pun intended but according to my own claims i probably have a few extra pounds in me) then prove that im full of shit

What i was going to say earlier was that I would be leary of any "fasting products" And even then w3hat are these fasting products people say they see at local pharmacies?

"Last time i visited pharmacy or health store there were lot of different fasting products. There is lot of money in fasting business."

I would be leary of any fasting products since the purpose of fasting is to have nothing but water go through your body. Would sound to me like people just cashing in on snake oil. The onyl fasting product I would give any creedence to would be a good well written book that would advise how to go about doing so on a regular basis. But even that, if youre a healthy person over 18 just pick a day and consume nothing but water for 24 hrs. Not a real hard concept

I could give a crap about someone else's health. If people want to do things that are bad for them or avoid doing simple things that can add good years to your life then fine, wont effect me at all. If I say something that someone percieves as fact then that is up to them. When the words "this is a fact" preceeds something I say or the same words follows something I say then I am making a statement that I believe to be verifiable fact.

Do you think I have any clue as to what is happening inside my body on a cellular level when I go a day without eating? No. What I do know is that if a person is otherwise reasonable healthy it makes sense to me that going a day periodically without eating and giving your body time to perform functions other than digesting food it can only benefit you. It makes sense to me and I have the will power to go 24hrs without eating. I do feel better when I wake up on friday morning than other days. Is this partly mental, could be. But as long as this keeps up I'll keep doing it. Besides what would you have to lose by trying a 24 hr fast?

I feel great when I wake up friday mornings as well, because there are only 8 hours of drugery until the weekend.

I wasn't trying to simulate the metaboilc conditions of a caveman or preadamic man. What would that accomplish? When I fast I go through my normal day to day activities, I think I will avoid hard sprints but other than that I do everything else normally. My last 24hr fast yielded a loss of less than 1lb BW. After about the 34hr mark I went through my full powerlifting workout and didnt lose a single lb off any of my lifts. Fasting 24hrs per 7 days will not make anyone look like a refugee from a POW camp. Americans eat plenty engouh through a normal week and have enough stored in their body to very easily go through a 24hr period without eating and not suffer a single negative from it. Assuming you are otherwise healthy and are not pregnant, nursing, diabetic or a hyper or hypoglycemic.