FCF results

Zilla2000 - I have a question. NAN has posted that FCF has lost well over $100k over it's past few events. But he also has posted many times that the reason Kenny is a horrible promoter becasue he takes casino shows where he doesn't have to do anything but show up with a cage and fighters and collect his check. I can see how the New Hampshire show lost money but how did he lose money on the other shows?

If he gets a flat check from the casino no matter what the gate is, what teh problem is? Sure it might hurt future business but seems like they would be fine for now.
Kenny is a horrible promoter. I stated that he has lost money on his last 4 shows, 1) the pavillion show with Couture, 2) the New Hampshire show that was cancelled, 3) the 2nd pavillion show, and 4) the WRD show.

Couture cost him too much money and he did not sell enough tickets and/or sponsorship to cover his guest and the fightcard. He lost money on advertising, ins, bond, hotels, and travel in New Hampshire. All pre-fight out-of-pocket expenses. He did not sell enough tickets or sponsorship for the expenses  on his 3rd show (the 2nd at the pavillion), and with approximately 350 paid tickets sold for the WRD show there is no way he made money or broke even, FCF lost money.

The only shows that he has made money are the "paid for" shows, casino sponsored. His losses are due to a misappropriation of funds or embezzlement, depending on how the company owner wants to define the loss of money to the authorities?

At the pavillion shows, New Hampshire, and WRD shows his money is made off of ticket sells. Quite frankly, he did not promote the show well enough to sell enough tickets on any of his last 4 shows. Subtract the advertising and promotional expenses from the gross, plus the lackluster ticket sells and that spells a loss on each of his last 4 shows.

Which part do you not understand at this point?



 Also, at the moment, XFL promoted the last Osage show and I know that the casino was very impressed and that is not putting it lightly.

So, FCF isn't promoting at Osage in Tulsa or the Osage in Bartlesville which means they are losing money by not doing the promotion there. They did not have enough tickets sold at WRD so they lost money there too.

AJ is correct, they have the Firelake, for now, and that is the only show that they profit from. If you are profitting from one show and losing money on all of the rest there is no way in hell that they are in black.

It is simply accounting and basic math. If you get $30,000 to put on a show and you spend $40,000, you are losing money.

Plus, when you are taking money from a business to feed your other businesses that are losing money, misappropriation of funds, or embezzling, (i.e. buying into businesses that are not producing, buying cars for people with company money, and  you loaning money trying to "buy friendship) you are an embicile, or idiot, and you are also losing money.


I like how everyone is quoting how much Nicholson knows on the subject. He has been so extremely successful as a promoter/manager. I mean first rule of business is get it in writing and NAN allowed a little weasel neck like Skenny to steal his company right out from under him. So I am not sure he knows exactly as much about business as you fellas seem to think.

 Kenny got me. I had more important issues at that time and I trusted him due to the length of our friendship. He did help me when I needed help and I have thanked him for that. But he also screwed me when I did not need to be screwed.

I have only failed on one promotion and I rectified that. It was the show at The Otherside, all of the fighters were paid and I did what I had to do to insure that the members of the commissions checks that bounced (although I did not write them, I only pay cash) were all taken care of. All of the fighters have always been paid and so has the commission. I make sure of that before any show that I promote has begun. Everyone is paid whether I sell a single ticket or not. I don't screw fighters around and I never will.

Management/Promotion in question? LMAO! My goal is to move fighters and make a little bit of money, I am not greedy. I probably should be but I am not. I do not call myself a businessman, I don't think that title suits me. I consider my shows successful as long as every fighter gets to fight a competitive fight and that each and every fighter learns something and gets paid after their fight.

As far as the "manager/promoter" question goes, I am a damn good manager, ask the guys that I do, or have managed. Not a single one will tell you that I do not handle business and not one will tell you that I do not know how to move a fighter, not one can, or will say that. Why? Because they can't or it would be a lie.

When you manage or promote a fighter you put them in fights in hopes of building a solid foundation. With that job comes the task of getting them with the proper trainers and training partners. I send everyone that I am associated with to Peppe for boxing and Blake Hayes for BJJ. It seems to be working so why change it?

Shane, when you can state some legitimate facts or arguementative points, you can call me, you have my number. Or, make a post, I will shred you, again.

I don't have time to answer unintelligent or ignorant posts from an FCF nut-hugger.


WRD fights are not a casino sponsored event like Fire Lake, Million Dollar Elm, Buffalo Run and River Spirit.

It sounds like it was a decent fight card with a lot of upsets.

The biggests upsets though I would think were the people who showed up to see Joey G, Nicdali, and Levi Shrock.

That's the fight game, and matchmaking is the hardest, most thankless job in the world.

Other than the horrible mismatches in Toby and Liz's fights, the card was not too bad. It did lack a true headliner, and the venue is pretty poor. But overall most of the fights were entertaining.

liquidsoul - WRD fights are not a casino sponsored event like Fire Lake, Million Dollar Elm, Buffalo Run and River Spirit.

Thank you. That answers my question.

 I like going to FCF & XFL fights.  The mismatched fights at FCF were still good watching.  I feel Toby always has a chance if he lands that left hook.  Liz just met a bad bitch that would be tough for any opponent.  I don't care for the mismatches at XFL shows, when TC & Blake continually fight guys who can't even make it half way through the first round, it's just not entertaining.  I also could do without all the llloooonnnggggg intermissions.  Like I said, I go to both shows and will continue to do so.  I would also like to Indian Leg Rassle and 135er that thinks they can take me.

 Can't believe I forgot to mention the Shawn Brake/Cord Henley fight.

Henley comes out and is announced by the nickname "The Situation." Lulz. What better way to identify yourself as a douchebag than taking your moniker from a character on Jersy Shore.

Then when the bell rings he immediately walks to the center of the cage and stands there with his chin out, both hands hanging, trying to do some Anderson-esque clowning. He gets socked in the mouth, taken down, and tapped out, all in under a minute.

That alone was worth the price of admission.

It's time for XFL and FCF to get along, co-exist, and maybe even help each other.

 Haha Do I smell a merger?


 In other news, Mike Tyson has decided to reconcile with Don King.