Fedor in Olympic opening ceremony as Viking!

Alexander Karelin

Awesome to see both Fedor and Karelin


Love you TSGIGOR...you always bring the goods!

Fedor says Pride Never Die

Canada says Gay Pride Never Die

I've read on another thread this is a commercial. Will it be shown on the tape delay broadcast? I'm PVR'ing this now

Fedor should have rocked that beard when he was fighting with the sweater of ultimate victory unstoppable.

FYI As some of you know the word Russian comes from the Russ Scandinavian tribe. Phone Post 3.0

Jumbo Reverse Shrimp - Fedor says Pride Never Die

Canada says Gay Pride Never Die

BLAF couldnt get BLABG back to the UFC

Awesome! Good luck to him!


Wasa-B - Awesome to see both Fedor and Karelin


Watching it now on DVR. Great show Russia! Phone Post 3.0

For some reason I have the sudden urge to yell "FEDORRR!!!" on top of a snow covered mountain

BigTedBear - Fedor should have rocked that beard when he was fighting with the sweater of ultimate victory unstoppable.

FYI As some of you know the word Russian comes from the Russ Scandinavian tribe. Phone Post 3.0

Correct. With "Russ" meaning "red".

I for one welcome Fedor as our bearded overlord Phone Post 3.0

dking - I've read on another thread this is a commercial. Will it be shown on the tape delay broadcast? I'm PVR'ing this now

It was part of the opening ceremony, not a commercial.

cWa - I for one welcome Fedor as our bearded overlord Phone Post 3.0

He'll be much more benevolent than those ant overlords, that's for sure.




Imagine if he'd fought with that beard back in his prime.

Opponets would've been pulling a Romero in their pants before the fight even began.

devils advocate - 

funny thing that many people dont' know

russia state started as being taken over by vikings, that's why ancient russian battle dress looks so scandinavian

soon after that russia was taken over by ghengis khan mongol horde for another century

then came tzar peter the first who forced russians to adapt western dress and culture

the bottom line is that russians are extremely insecure nationalistic because, deep bottom down, they know their whole culture has been borrowed from one place or another

Adopting Orthodox religion as a result of the Byzantine influence was important. When Byzantium fell, it allowed Russians to see themselves as the heir to that tradition and gave some identity.

devils advocate - 

funny thing that many people dont' know

russia state started as being taken over by vikings, that's why ancient russian battle dress looks so scandinavian

soon after that russia was taken over by ghengis khan mongol horde for another century

then came tzar peter the first who forced russians to adapt western dress and culture

the bottom line is that russians are extremely insecure nationalistic because, deep bottom down, they know their whole culture has been borrowed from one place or another

So are you trying to say that in that sense they are more or less the same as America?

i like Fedor randomly showing up on my TV. Once in Japan for arm wrestling, and now during the Olympics.