Fedor in Olympic opening ceremony as Viking!

devils advocate -

funny thing that many people dont' know

russia state started as being taken over by vikings, that's why ancient russian battle dress looks so scandinavian

soon after that russia was taken over by ghengis khan mongol horde for another century

then came tzar peter the first who forced russians to adapt western dress and culture

the bottom line is that russians are extremely insecure nationalistic because, deep bottom down, they know their whole culture has been borrowed from one place or another

Just like Egypt and Mesopotamia?

Or Greek and Rome?

Or any other nation in the world for that matter? Phone Post 3.0

You chuckleheads.

Be fun to have Karelin and Fedor tangle. On concrete, I'd pick Karelin over any man on the planet.

Underneath all that armour he is wearing his sweater Phone Post 3.0

too cool

Not a Viking, a Knight!!!



i showed my wife pics of Karelin in his prime and she got scared