Fedor doesn’t need to be killing anyone hes already consumed enough souls
Get a life.
You quoted his service during peace as an example of how not scared he would be to march to the frontlines now.
Grow up and use your brain and stop acting as if you’re so smart all the time.
And if you actually had a single loved one in your life let alone ones connected to this horrible invasion then maybe you’d have some emotion too.
Go fuck yourself.
I won’t see any of your responses from now on.
You are so emotional. You have this weird obsession where you follow me on different threads singling out my post and getting super emotional about it.
I bet you cannot pinpoint whatever topic i said that initiated your OBVIOUS obsession with me, but its noted. Youve outted yourself so just know when you go out of your way to act like the little bitch god made you, i smile. I know im in your head, rent free, and we both dont even know how i got there, but here i am, in your head kicking my dirty shoes right on your desk. And you wont do shit about it except continue to be emotional over the internet. Lol @ you.
Disagree, you don’t know his situation. Fedora family could be at risk if he speaks out.
He’s been in putins lap for decades. You honestly think he disagrees with him now and holds back for fear of his family?
He was also born in Ukraine but has identified as Russian his entire life. We know his situation.
Ehhh touchy subject, Fedor is a Patriot and loyal to his country just like others in our country are loyal to what we do whether it be good or bad in the eyes of the outside observers.
I get that.
But Hitler had lots of loyal supporters too.
Zelenskyys dick all up in your mouth
Yeah but the point I’m getting is regardless of what country you belong to loyalty is loyalty. Patriotism is patriotism. There was many believing we didn’t need to be in Iraq, but many of us here in the United States supported it at the time and some didn’t. Just like many, don’t support the war in the Ukraine in Russia but some do You have your Patriots that will support your country no matter what.
Totally understand that.
Local media plays a huge role in perception in every country further aiding it all.
Look at this dweeb. Why don’t you volunteer yourself to go fight in this war you are so passionate about? Super brave of you to nominate a 45year old who isn’t you lol
Is it that surprising that a lot of people don’t want to die for Putin’s bullshit?
The world is too rich and connected these days to get young men to enthusiastically go to war like they did in the past. If you’re a Russian man you can see almost everyone in the West living a more materially abundant life while not worrying one whit about dying in an Eastern European shithole.
Misleading it would seem, both the original Russian article and of course Karim’s. Fedor said:
[Q] - Have you encountered hysteria around, have the moods in your environment changed?
[A]- There are different moods in my environment, people have different thoughts, questions arise. But for me personally, it was a great discovery and a slight shock when you read the news in our country, what is happening in the military registration and enlistment offices and that people are fleeing the draft.
No way Fedor is ever IN shock about anything. The source also click baited it by removing “slight”.
How about this: “Fedor was mildly surprised by it all!”
Shame on them both.
i thought fedor liked ducking fights??
And age. He’s 46.
lol @ shitting on Fedor for having an opinion.
Go team xxxxx!