Fedor in ‘Shock’ after Seeing Countrymen Fleeing Putin’s Military Draft

Trust me. They are sending off men far older than that.


earl GIF

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Meathead should have that poster on his wall.

Fighting for Putin is like saying I’ll go die for Joe Biden.

Sorry Fedor, your politics suck


For such a tough dude he’s 100% a keep his head down and do what he’s told type of guy. It’s weird. He left millions on the table letting that retard fink negotiate for him.

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Yeah I’d like to punch Jerry Millen right in his slimy grill. Fucking snake scumbag.

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It’s Gary Millen!
He goes by Jerry because it “sounds cooler”. Probably has fraud with other aliases

Lol really ha. What a POS.

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He’s a total scumbag. Some great old posts about the guy and his snake ways. I’ll have to dig


Yeah I forgot he used to post here lol. I disliked that dude from the first time I saw a vid of him living in fedors shadow.

Fedor has his kids to think about… his daughter was already attacked by some Kadyrov lovers. Unfortunately he’s in too deep to say anything negative about Putin now.

You can’t say shit about dictators in foreign countries….my Grandpa’s dad had an opinion on Stalin, the man he was speaking to snitched to some soldiers for a piece of bread. Later that night they came and took my great grandpa out of his home and shipped him to Siberia.


It’s a shitty environment to be a part of.

Hard to know the difference between fear of safety and true support.

Sorry about your great grandpa’s shit Siberian vacation.

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It’s not really dodging a draft when you’re killing innocent people and trying to take the land of another country for some short bald man’s ego


And I think they’re so desperate they upped the front line age over 40 so fedor should sign up


This is why blind patriotism is bad. All the Americans who cheered as the U.S. invaded Iraq. Its pure tribalism.

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Agreed… I’m sure deep down inside Fedor knows it’s wrong but is in fear to speak up.

Thanks bro.

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Fuck Putin and Zelensky.

And fuck sending a dime of US taxpayer money to either of em.


Why you so butthurt. Hurts that stupid ruskis are getting slaughtered? The only people they can kill are innocent villagers and children. Some team you got, faggot

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A guy who never even posted in this thread before he sees my username and sees red…

Nothing I said was controversial at all. This Steven McTowelie faggot has a serious obsession where he initiates shit talk like above, then tries to act like a victim and then tries to act like he can be reasonable…

People can see your your fakeness. It’s too obvious you are trying to cover up your CREEPY obsession.

Had you shut the fuck up and stayed in your lane, I wouldn’t be having to call you out but if you are going to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to just try to shit on me, I got a news update for you, I don’t back down from clear emotional faggots. I will call you out with zero hesitation.