Fedor Next?? Or Too small..

I honestly thing Fedor might be too small. He's about 230 and Brock cuts to 265. I think the size difference will be just too much. Whats your thoughts? Who's next that can honestly contend with Brock? The only guy who has the size which Brock can't bully will be Hong Man Choi. Nobody else.


fedor cuts makes big guys look like pussies

there's plenty of guys already in the ufc who would give him a good fight

What ever happened to Tom Erikson?

Stylistically brock is a terrible match up for fedor. Fedor won't be able to stop the takedowns and brock will be too imposing for any submission.


quidnunc - there's plenty of guys already in the ufc who would give him a good fight


Nicknitro - Who cares? It's never going to happen, at least now in the UFC.

No way Fedor ever fights in the UFC, bank on that. He will retire in a few years after fighting Barnett, Overeem and I would bet Couture.

I care, who's next then?? It's WWE HW's for a long time... they are the only ones with size.

pigpen - lol

fedor cuts makes big guys look like pussies

Brock is a different kind of big guy. a D1 all american. Only way i see fedor winning is some kind of submission but I highly doubt it. To be honest I'd love to see someone fuck up Brock but I don't see it happening.

As a Fedor fan, I can honestly say WAY too small and passive.

Brock is UNDOUBDTEDLY the #1 HW in the world and the absolute prototype.

Fedor would get creamed.


Fedor would beat him on the feet. He has rapid fire hands folks.

In theory Fedor should be too small.

The thing is, theory has never meant much. He was supposed to lose the first fight with Herring. He was supposed to lose against Randleman. He was supposed to lose the first fight with Big Nog. He was supposed to lose against Crocop. He was supposed to lose against Tim Sylvia. He was supposed to lose against Arlovski.

People have always correctly pointed out the reasons why he should lose. But in the end he always seems to be the guy who wins. Probably because of his mind - he never panics, and always seems to be able to capitalize on opponent's mistakes.

I'd expect Lesnar to win, but I've learned to never bet against Fedor.

I would still love to see Fedor-Brock. I have never seen Lesnar eat a big punch. We would see how good his chin is.

I can't believe you said no one else matches the size of Brock are you retarded Shane Carwin is around 260....

Shane Carwin IMO would make a fantastic fight.

YES Indeed