Fedor on a morning run, wearing Nike! (pic)

HHNNNGGG Phone Post 3.0

Accuracy in it's purest form Phone Post 3.0

Dems kix ain't nike yo

I have the same shirt. What a lovely man.

Nike everything, shoes walmart Phone Post 3.0

What are thooooooose?! Phone Post 3.0

Those are ASICS I think.

Asics. Looks like he's power walking btw Phone Post 3.0

Non Nike socks or sneaks... Title is 50% accurate for apparel/ footwear assuming the GOAT goes commando and relies on lined shorts to prevent jiggling nuts

I'm not impressed by your performance Phone Post 3.0

Ya'll musta forgot. Phone Post 3.0

So unassuming. just imagine the pain he could bring if someone who didn't know him got in his grill. Phone Post 3.0

Those are special edition goat skin Nike running shoes Phone Post 3.0

bring back old school fedor with the kettlebells


There's woods in the background Phone Post 3.0

Gettin that road work in Phone Post 3.0

touch -

VU for perfect accuracy. Over and over again. Phone Post 3.0

hasn't aged a day

Papi Chingon - Those are ASICS I think.

looks in better shape