Fedor on Fight Pass is the first step...

Of Fedor coming to the UFC. They are checking out what numbers he can pull in from fight pass to most likely determine if they wanna pay him boat loads of money to come over to the ufc and fight. They are also putting his past fights on YouTube etc. Phone Post 3.0

I think it's the last step actually.

touch - 

I think it's the last step actually.


They started talking when, in 2007? Fedor has been negotiating with the UFC ever since he announced his comeback. He said only some issues were left to be finalized last summer. Yes, you are probably right in that they want to assess his fight pass numbers to finally determine if they will pay him shitloads of money. So now it's on us, fans, to fucking watch his fight on June 17 all over the world!

touch -

Nice. Vu

touch -

They started talking when, in 2007? Fedor has been negotiating with the UFC ever since he announced his comeback. He said only some issues were left to be finalized last summer. Yes, you are probably right in that they want to assess his fight pass numbers to finally determine if they will pay him shitloads of money. So now it's on us, fans, to fucking watch his fight on June 17 all over the world!

Well put as always, Touch.

In all likelihood, UFC will likely announce Fedor versus Brock sometime after their respective fights have passed. I'm curious if they'd still set the fight up if either or both guys lost. Phone Post 3.0

That's a cool promo vid! Phone Post 3.0

Between this and them working with brock/WWE we might finally get Fedor in the UFC. Phone Post 3.0

I wonder if there will be an M-1 Global commercial during his fight card. lolz Phone Post 3.0

The second step involves Lesnar.

He has now paved the way for 1-off fights with specific stipulations and minimal commitment, which would be much more acceptable to Fedor.

Son of Neckbone - The second step involves Lesnar.

He has now paved the way for 1-off fights with specific stipulations and minimal commitment, which would be much more acceptable to Fedor.

I higly doubt there's minimal commitment on the Lesnar deal.


Either he or the WWE have signed a non-compete or something so he can't go and promote an MMA fight somewhere else right after UFC 200

Correct, that it be Op, that it be.

touch -
Badass promo Phone Post 3.0

touch -

I think it's the last step actually.

This. Phone Post 3.0

Well that's not a good sign if they are looking at the fight pass numbers.  IIRC even his prime Strikeforce showings didn't get very good numbers.  But unfortunately no fighter is a big draw unless they are in the UFC.