Fedor & Randy 3D slurpee cups at 7-11

They have been out for awhile & I just picked up a couple.


I bought 3 of them. Great collectors items.

I dont want to sound like a promoter,but they are going fast.Two out of the three 7-11s in my city were sold out.

"What, how, and why?"

It's an EA Sports promotion for the MMA video game.

They should've made one of just Fedor's balls. Hundreds of UGers would like to slurp those. :)

I picked one up about 2 weeks ago and have been using it as a spare change cup. Phone Post

"I'd rather have something of use or meaning."

You don't drink liquids?


"That cup looks flimsy, like it'll fall apart after a couple of uses. If it was a mug made of something that wouldn't fall apart like paper mache that'd be a different story."

You're just making a bunch of assumptions based on a picture? Lol. I have 3 of them and they are very sturdy.

Slurpee cups are rugged. My kids got some old ones that we still rock. Phone Post

FrateTrane_MaimedShane - They should've made one of just Fedor's balls. Hundreds of UGers would like to slurp those. :)


ttt for EA Sports MMA slurpee cups

Neo Cyrus - 
standupwarrior - "I'd rather have something of use or meaning."

You don't drink liquids?

No, I only drink solids, gas, plasma and dark matter.

That cup looks flimsy, like it'll fall apart after a couple of uses. If it was a mug made of something that wouldn't fall apart like paper mache that'd be a different story.

How do your cups fall apart? You fill it with liquid and lift it to your mouth. At what point are you able to introduce sheering forces while you imbibe?

Cooool. Damn, no 7-11's around here.

"No, I only drink solids, gas, plasma and dark matter.

That cup looks flimsy, like it'll fall apart after a couple of uses. If it was a mug made of something that wouldn't fall apart like paper mache that'd be a different story." - Lol at the sarcastic asshole who doesn't even know the cups are hard plastic. Phone Post

"How do your cups fall apart? You fill it with liquid and lift it to your mouth. At what point are you able to introduce sheering forces while you imbibe?" ------ LOL Phone Post

I'm heading out there tonight to pick up a cup and a gunshot wound