Fedor Sambo Results.

Taken from sherdog:

Today was the first day of the Russian Combat Sambo Championship and here are the results:

As predicted, Fedor Emelianenko easily won all of his three fights. None of his opponents in this Russian championship forfeited as it has happened before in world and European championships, to the credit of our fighters.
In his first fight, Fedor quickly attacked, after a combination of strikes he took his opponent down and submitted him. The fight was 35 seconds long. His second fight was even shorter - Fedor broke his opponent's nose on the 10th second.

The final fight against Stanislav Shushko took a little bit longer. Stanislav tried to keep Fedor at a distance using his height advantage, but Fedor closed the distance with a combination, went for a throw and a holddown. Then the fighters ended up in standing position again and the situation happened again - a combination of strikes from the champion, a throw, but this time Fedor finished his attack with a submission and won at 1 minute and 1 seconds.

there's already about 29347239 threads about this....

Hello last to know :)

This is the 1st one I've seen. Not everyone is either unemployed or a child, and has the time to lurk here 24/7.

Fedor is a newbie basher! booo!

well said Son of Neckbone

thank you, also the first time i saw this

No vids??

Did the other thread have vids, because I'd love a link if they did. This is the first I saw about it as well, and I have been looking for info...

Here's a link to the vid of his last match:


Don't thank me, just go check out my site too while yer at it :-)
