Pierre St-George -Old gifs i had made a few years back
Pierre St-George -Old gifs i had made a few years back
Touch's threads always deliver in their precision of description
mongo54 -SensoriaUtopia -I really just don't understand what posseses that guy to grow his face hair in such a strange way, he seems like a nice enough guy, pretty good ref too, and to each their own, but shit like this I will never understand, it goes right in there with the nuts who hang from chains by their nipples and get people who get face tats, so odd, oh well
It's a cry for attention
Bojack Horseman -mongo54 -SensoriaUtopia -I really just don't understand what posseses that guy to grow his face hair in such a strange way, he seems like a nice enough guy, pretty good ref too, and to each their own, but shit like this I will never understand, it goes right in there with the nuts who hang from chains by their nipples and get people who get face tats, so odd, oh well
It's a cry for attention
if you knew mike's back story you would know attention is probably the last thing he wanted/wants.
does anybody know what he did or does for an actual living.
its pretty hardcore.
Enlighten us?
ranier wolfcastle -
lol this is what I've been waiting from you. have an invisible upvote.
Bojack Horseman -mongo54 -SensoriaUtopia -I really just don't understand what posseses that guy to grow his face hair in such a strange way, he seems like a nice enough guy, pretty good ref too, and to each their own, but shit like this I will never understand, it goes right in there with the nuts who hang from chains by their nipples and get people who get face tats, so odd, oh well
It's a cry for attention
if you knew mike's back story you would know attention is probably the last thing he wanted/wants.
does anybody know what he did or does for an actual living.
its pretty hardcore.
If that were true, he wouldn't have that type of facial hair which is guarenteed to draw attention to him.
Google his name, 1st link is an article about his "wacky beard" stealing the show at UFC 199.
<blockquote>mongo54 - <span id='userPost59784386' class='User-153556'><blockquote>Bojack Horseman - <span id='userPost59782279' class='User-353277'><blockquote>mongo54 - <span id='userPost59781091' class='User-153556'><blockquote>SensoriaUtopia - <span id='userPost59779091' class='User-348383'><p>I really just don't understand what posseses that guy to grow his face hair in such a strange way, he seems like a nice enough guy, pretty good ref too, and to each their own, but shit like this I will never understand, it goes right in there with the nuts who hang from chains by their nipples and get people who get face tats, so odd, oh well</p></span></blockquote><br />It's a cry for attention</span></blockquote><br /> if you knew mike's back story you would know attention is probably the last thing he wanted/wants. <br /><br />does anybody know what he did or does for an actual living. <br /><br />its pretty hardcore.</span></blockquote><br /><p>
mongo54 -Bojack Horseman -mongo54 -SensoriaUtopia -I really just don't understand what posseses that guy to grow his face hair in such a strange way, he seems like a nice enough guy, pretty good ref too, and to each their own, but shit like this I will never understand, it goes right in there with the nuts who hang from chains by their nipples and get people who get face tats, so odd, oh well
It's a cry for attention
if you knew mike's back story you would know attention is probably the last thing he wanted/wants.
does anybody know what he did or does for an actual living.
its pretty hardcore.
If that were true, he wouldn't have that type of facial hair which is guarenteed to draw attention to him.
Bojack Horseman -mongo54 -Bojack Horseman -mongo54 -SensoriaUtopia -I really just don't understand what posseses that guy to grow his face hair in such a strange way, he seems like a nice enough guy, pretty good ref too, and to each their own, but shit like this I will never understand, it goes right in there with the nuts who hang from chains by their nipples and get people who get face tats, so odd, oh well
It's a cry for attention
if you knew mike's back story you would know attention is probably the last thing he wanted/wants.
does anybody know what he did or does for an actual living.
its pretty hardcore.
If that were true, he wouldn't have that type of facial hair which is guarenteed to draw attention to him.
That's one way of looking at it but theres a flipside you don't seem to be able to see.
thats true, but I am open to it being explained to me. You make cryptic comments about his backstory and fail to elaborate.