first generation Mexican former Marine BJJ Brown Belt
Can somebody romo beltrans beard onto fedor?
MartialArtsM1xed - Can somebody romo beltrans beard onto fedor?
touch -Lol vuMartialArtsM1xed - Can somebody romo beltrans beard onto fedor?
Joey's dad?
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209ese - It takes a special kind of idiot to grow facial hair like that.
Who shit in your cheerios this morning?
209ese - It takes a special kind of idiot to grow facial hair like that.
Thank you!
The singer from Mudvayne had his beard in two long braids but cut them because he kept waking up with them wrapped around his neck. I wonder what goofy shit this dude does at night to prevent that.
YOURDADDYDEVILANDLORD -He ties them around his balls.The singer from Mudvayne had his beard in two long braids but cut them because he kept waking up with them wrapped around his neck. I wonder what goofy shit this dude does at night to prevent that.
209ese - It takes a special kind of idiot to grow facial hair like that.Needs attention more than a 16 yo girl
209ese - It takes a special kind of idiot to grow facial hair like that.
The same kind of idiot that has a screen name like 209ese???
Someone post a pic of that other ref with Yosemite Sam mustache for comparison lol
it would be bad to have that stache in a streetfight
I used to like him as a referee now he just comes across as fake and really wanting to be famous
Triple_B -It's the same guy .. just early on he didn't braid itSomeone post a pic of that other ref with Yosemite Sam mustache for comparison lol
danggook -Triple_B -It's the same guy .. just early on he didn't braid itSomeone post a pic of that other ref with Yosemite Sam mustache for comparison lol
For real? Man he must have gotten a tan cause I thought he was white
SensoriaUtopia -I really just don't understand what posseses that guy to grow his face hair in such a strange way, he seems like a nice enough guy, pretty good ref too, and to each their own, but shit like this I will never understand, it goes right in there with the nuts who hang from chains by their nipples and get people who get face tats, so odd, oh well
It's a cry for attention
Old gifs i had made a few years back