!! FFC 7 Pics !!



Of course they are wearing mouthpieces. Either you just cant see them or they were just knocked out before the picture was taken. :)


TTT Russ you do a great job, people like you will help the sport get the attention it deserves.

Are there any pics of the Kristian Rothermel/Sam Adkins fight??

again a big FFC sized ttt

for RUSS "The Photo Pimp" ROHLING


Tsunami doesn't have a thing on Russ!


Rob, the black guy in the last pic is not who Tony Canales faught right? who is this guy??

The black guy in the last pic is Becks. That is a pic of him and Canales fighting.

TTT for some great pics.

Damn Russ! You're getting good!


Hey Russ,

Give me a shout.
