I have a big skull on my forearm crowned with 5 smaller skulls around its head. My face for society and the contributing voices that scream in my head. When the homeless druggie high out of his mind says "You're crazy!" I tell him "I gave you warnings by tattooing that fact on my arm!"
The rest on my arms, ribs and back are to cover my liver spots and bad Hapa skin.
Not everyone was blessed with good skin and hair like that Jerk, Moke.
When I was sixteen my older friends started getting tattoos. I'm from long island ,new york, the land of the italian guido! You can bet that many of them got the italian flag tattooed on their arms, legs, or back...one of them said i should get the irish flag because of my irish heritage. At 16 years old, i looked at that guido fool and told him, "i don't know anything about being irish, but i know a lot about what it means to be an American." I got an American Flag and Bald Eagle.
that said, he will make a lot of tattoo removal companies a shitload of money when the wiminz start sagging and get the weird looks headed to soccer practice and branded as a cheap ho.
and yes, it has nothing to do w/ his art--which is dope.
trying to find a good pic of his tats! I have my granny living here on the property with me(told him on his death bed I would take care of his woman, I was 17 then, took me a long time but she's set now) gunna hit her up for some photos! Gramps tats were epic! The one I remember the best , was a girl in her bikini bottoms topless holding a Pussy cat over her exposed taaatas!!
I have 4... An in loving memory on my back for my gramps(got it right after he died) My last name (got it when I moved to Kauai when I was 19) , a RIP Dad I have on my Rib Cage I got a week after my 21st (dad Drank himself to death a week before my 21st...talk about an eye opener) and a arm band from the Marquesas Islands that I got on my last day of a month long trip to Tahiti with my woman... 1st day we were there we met the nicest family, they offered us a place to stay, we ended up hanging with them the whole trip Surfed some unreal Spots there, caught some epic fish and fell in love with the people,Land, food and culture! On our last day we drove around the island to a friend of the family's who does Tats in his driveway...I knew I wanted to get a tat in the land they were created in and I wanted a way to commemorate the best trip I had ever been on...My man Noel (his family is who we stayed with) says to me "my wife and I have a design for you from the island where she was born" it's a Arm band that her Family had designed and all had!! I felt honored and said thank you and I would sport it with pride wherever I went in this world!! They told me I would never be alone or go into battle by myself, I have my gramps at my back, my dad at my right side and the warriors of her Island at my left!! All I got to do is keep an eye of what's in front of me!!
All my tats have meaning to me and when I look at them they take me back instantly to where I was and what I was going threw at the time!!